March Education Newsletter

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Blood Education Compliance takes a HUGE JUMP!

Since rolling out the new process for blood education documentation, the compliance in CVICU has gone from 20-30% to upwards of 90% compliance, BIG WIN!! 

When administering blood, you can document education from inside the navigator, or you can defer education if the patient is unstable/has no family present.

Shout out to Jess and her hard work to improve documentation, making it a more intuitive process for all bedside nurses!
My patient is arresting with an Impella in place, what do I do with it?

When a patient enters an arrhythmia while they have an Impella in place, first assess if your patient is stable and perfusing, or unstable requiring resuscitation. If the patient is unstable, CPR should be initiated quickly per ACLS protocol. 

The placement of an Impella has the potential to cause damage to cardiac structures, specifically if your patient is experiencing a suction alarm. For this reason, decreasing the flow rate until suction releases will prevent damage. When you regain function, the Impella is then increased to its previous settings. 
HR- Compliance Packages
HR compliance packages were just assigned in LMS. These cover bloodborne pathogens, annual training on fire safety, etc. These are linked to a mandatory due date and should be completed at your earliest convenience!

Amidst all the annual compliance modules, if you have any questions about what modules need to be completed, PLEASE do not hesitate to reach out to me, or email
Restraints: Safe Management and Documentation
Used in conjunction with other tools, restraints keep our patients safe while intubated. The securement of these devices is important to prevent patients from self extubating while restrained!

As pictured below: Make sure you are using the DISTAL, non-moveable securement rail underneath yourb bed's side rails! This prevents patients from pulling their arms up towards their face!
- Assessment: Every two (no longer than four) hours, perform a vascular assessment, securement, and safety check on your patient 

( To include: Ability to cooperate, nutrition, hydration, circulation, skin condition, patient response, ROM, elimination, hygiene, and discontinuation goal)

- Continue frequent conversations regarding restraint discontinuation with your providers!
Device Handoff: IABP
Over the past few months, we've noticed an uptrend of IABP and T-MCS patients on the unit. To provide a refresher and additional resource for you all, I'm re-sharing the IABP handover tool.
This tool can be used when handing over your patients who have IABP to ensure you're covering the FAQ and key safety points of the catheter.

Want an additional refresher on Timing? Follow this link to see a GREAT 15-minute video on Trigger and Timing
Unit Specific and Hospital Wide Opportunities

May 21st- Procedure & Emergency Management Course
Sign up in Learning Exchange!!
May 29th- Bedside Open Chest Sim
Multidisciplinary, interactive sim: Limited availability, leadership will be reaching out next week requesting involvement! 

CVICU Website Link
Product Page
Policy Tech
1. Blood education improved to almost 100%, THANK YOU! 
2. When your patient arrests while they have an Impella, consider turning down your P-level to reduce the risk of trauma during compressions.
3. HR Compliance packages have been assigned, check the learning exchange to see the required modules. 
4. Restraints should be secured distally on the bed to prevent patients from self-extubating while in restraints. 
5. Reminder that the IABP safety tool is a great resource to check the safety and assessment standards of any IABP patient.
6. Check out any one of the many continuing education events coming up! 
CVICU INQUIRER | March 2024 

Email JoAnna


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