W. Anderson Spickard, III, M.D., M.S., F.A.C.P.

Department of Medicine
Department of Biomedical Informatics
Assistant Dean, Education Design and Informatics
General Internal Medicine and Public Health

Anderson Spickard, III, M.D., M.S., is Associate Professor of Medicine in the Departments of Medicine and Biomedical Informatics. He is Assistant Dean of Educational Informatics and Technology and appointed to Master Teacher in the School of Medicine.

Prior Work: Since joining the Vanderbilt faculty in 1995, Dr. Spickard has built an active practice in Internal Medicine, taught extensively, and created innovative approaches to medical education.  For more than 15 years, he directed the Core Medicine Clerkship in the third-year of medical school and the Core Primary Care Clerkship in the fourth-year of medical school.  He has been instrumental in helping to design the new Vanderbilt medical school curriculum, Curriculum 2.0.  Dr. Spickard has brought his expertise in study design and the evaluation of medical education to form partnerships between departments in the Medical Center and between institutions nationally by providing innovative curricula and a sustained research agenda in medical education. Dr. Spickard has won a number of local and national teaching awards and has served on numerous national committees.  He is currently Director of the Office of Educational Informatics and Technology which provides informatics support to meet the needs of the undergraduate, graduate, and continual medical education mission.

Interests: Dr. Spickard's research interests include all aspects of medical education with a special focus on the design and application of innovative informatics approaches to medical education.