CME- Endoscopic Laryngeal Videostroboscopy Performance and Interpretation Course



42nd Annual Stroboscopy Performance and Interpretation Course

Monday, October 13th - Tuesday, October 14th, 2025

Vanderbilt University Medical Center Campus | Nashville, TN



Questions?: Emily Wishik: 

    • The Vanderbilt Voice Center Laryngeal Videostroboscopy Course is designed as a tutorial for speech-language pathologists and otolaryngologists to cultivate their understanding and performance of the endoscopic laryngeal videostroboscopy exam. Principles of laryngeal function will be discussed, and the diagnostic potential of stroboscopy will be covered in depth. A robust amount of hands-on practice in the clinical performance of both rigid and flexible endoscopy will be provided. Interpretation and analysis of both percptual and stroboscopic parameters will be presented through didactic coursework and applied during practical instruction. This course is approved for AHSA CEUs only and is not CME-accredited..
  • After participating in this continuing education activity, participants should be able to:

    • Demonstrate a working knowledge of the diagnostic value of the endoscopic laryngeal videostroboscopy exam

    • List the components of a clinicially comprehensive laryngeal videostrobscopy exam

    • Demonstrate emerging hands-on skill performing both rigid and flexible laryngeal videostrobscopy

    • Demonstrate emerging skill in the interpretation of the laryngeal videostroboscopic exam and in the formulation of clinical managment recommendations

  • The course will be held at Light Hall and the Vanderbilt Bill Wilkerson Center on the Vanderbilt University Medical Center campus in Nashville, Tennessee.


    Light Hall is located at:

    2215 Garland Ave., Nashville, Tennessee, 37240 (Adjacent to VUMC and Medical Center East)

    The Vanderbilt Bill Wilkerson Center is located at:

    1215 21st Ave. S., Medical Center East, South Tower, Conference Room 8380 A/B (8th Floor) Nashville, TN 37232.

  • Course registration fees are as follows:

    Professional: Early Bird Rate $575 ends May 31, 2025. Regular Rate $615

    Student: Early Bird Rate $475 ends May 31, 2025. Regular Rate $515


    Registration is encouraged on or before September 13, 2025.  Cancellation requests must be received in writing on or before August 23, 2025 to be eligible for a complete refund. There will be a 25% processing fee on all cancellations received in writing after August 23, 2025. No refunds will be processed if cancellation is received after September 13, 2025. No refunds will be given for no-shows. 

  • Day 1: Monday, October 13, 2025

    7:45am- Breakfast and Registration at The Voice Center

    8:30am- Welcome to The Voice Center, Meet Our Team        

    8:45am- Performing Rigid and Flexible Endoscopy                  

    9:15am- Interpreting Laryngeal Videostroboscopy                  

    10:00am- 15-minute break

    10:15am- Perceptual Analysis                                               

    11:00am- Evaluation of Pediatric Voice                                   

    11:45am- Working Lunch w/Case Studies                             

    12:45pm- Break and move to The Voice Center Clinic for Hands-On Strobe Practice

    1:00pm- Hands-On Stroboscopy Practice                              

    4:00pm- Adjourn-Wine and Cheese Reception at The Voice Center


    Day 2: Tuesday, October 14, 2025   

    8:00am-8:30am- Breakfast 

    8:30am- Physiology to Function through Research                                               

    9:15am- Voice Therapy: From Stroboscopy Exam to Behavioral Intervention-   

    10:00am- 15-minute break

    10:15am- Reimbursement and Legislative Challenges in Endoscopy                 

    11:00am- Physical Therapy and the Voice: When Big Takes Over Little              

    11:45am- Working Lunch w/Case Studies                                                           

    12:45pm- 15-minute break and move to 7th Floor Voice Center Clinic

    1:00pm- Hands-On Stroboscopy Practice                                                                                                                                                                     

    4:00pm- Wrap-up and Course Evaluations

    4:15pm- Adjourn

    This course is offered for a maximum of 1.4 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level; professional area)