Welcome to Our Residency Program
The top-ranked Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery residency program at Vanderbilt University Medical Center is consistently recognized for producing world-class surgeons. We create exceptional clinicians and nurture curious minds while providing all our residents with the resources to become outstanding community or academic leaders. We value individuality and teamwork; and, we take pride in our unique culture—which respects resident autonomy, emphasizes collegiality, and prizes efficiency.
We accept 5-6 residents into our program:
- 4 or 5 in a five-year clinical track
- 1 in a seven-year physician-scientist training program (VTOPS) (which includes two years of protected research time).
Program Leadership:
- Department Chair: Eben Rosenthal, MD
- Residency Program Director: Priyesh Patel, MD
- Associate Program Director: Aaron Moberly, MD
- Vice Chair for Research/VTOPS Director: Alex Gelbard, MD
- Vice Chair of Education: Amy Whigham, MD, MS, HPEd
Program Highlights:
- 6 months of otolaryngology during PGY-1 (intern) year
- > 45 surgical faculty in all subspecialties
- > 5 months of dedicated research time for clinical track residents (PGY-3)
- 3 hours of protected resident education/academic time per week
- Single pool night float call system
- Unique Leadership and Innovation Training program
- Proven track record of successful fellowship matches across all specialties
- Multiple dedicated courses including yearly temporal bone and endoscopic sinus dissection courses
- Department sponsored resident social and academic activities to promote a healthy work-life balance
- Numerous basic science and clinical research opportunities with resident support for attendance at national and international meetings.