WIO Leadership & Sponsorship Program


The WIO Leadership & Sponsorship Program is aimed at fostering mentorship and career development program for female residents and faculty within the department OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery department at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.


The primary goal of this program is to foster long-term mentorship and sponsorship relationships between female faculty and female residents regardless of career path interest. We also aim to provide female residents with leadership skills important to long-term career development. This program has received funding from the Women in Otolaryngology (WIO) section of the AAO.


Faculty-resident mentorship pairs are encouraged to meet quarterly during the academic year and discuss topics relevant to becoming a successful female Otolaryngologist and leader. In addition to mentorship meetings, there is a bi-annual luncheon/dinner with a guest speaker to discuss topics pertinent to women in Otolaryngology. The program is a two-year program with the option to continue the mentorship through residency and post-graduation.

Topics Covered

  1. Physician Wellness and Burnout
  2. Leadership
  3. Career Advancement and Promotion
  4. Work-Life Balance
  5. Fellowship and Career Exploration
  6. Research and Grant Funding
  7. Advocating for Yourself
  8. Family Planning