The Vanderbilt-Mozambique Biomedical Informatics (VM-BMI) Training and Research Program is designed to sustainably equip Mozambican scientists with skills to advance progress towards HIV epidemic control through high-quality biomedical informatics (BMI)-based research relevant to the country. BMI focuses on using computational and information sciences approaches in biology (primarily genomics and proteomics) and health disciplines (primarily clinical and public health).
As part of the program’s short-term training offerings, VM-BMI co-sponsored The Android Configuration and Use Course, a DHIS2 bootcamp, in Maputo, Mozambique from August 13-17, 2024. DHIS 2 is an open-source, web-based health information system used in Mozambique and in more than 80 countries worldwide. The bootcamp took place over five days and included instruction in the DHIS2 Android app, program rules to improve the quality of data collection, geospatial usage, Android analytics, experience and performance improvement, and implementation considerations.
The workshop was facilitated by Carlos Djedje, David Mondlane, Camilo Cuna, Fernando Inacio, Sheila Andre, Shelsea Chumaio, and Laurencia Luis from the Health Information Systems Programme (HISP) network, which supports the development and use of the DHIS2 platform. Twenty-seven participants from two countries, Angola and Mozambique, completed the workshop and received certificates.
VM-BMI is supported by the Fogarty International Center of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number D43TW012750. The Android Configuration and Use Course was sponsored in partnership with the HISP Network/University of Oslo.