Once you complete and submit the appropriate survey below, we will automatically receive a notification from REDCap and will begin review of your case. You will always receive a response from us denoting approval or request for more information.
If there are any concerns, questions, or issues with an online survey, please contact us and we will address these promptly. If there are any features or clarifications you think would make for a better experience, please let us know these also.
Important Notes:
- All export compliance forms are required to be completed and submitted by a supervisor, manager, admin, or investigator of the VUMC hosting department on behalf of a foreign recipient and never directly by a visitor, foreign beneficiary, or international entity.
- Please submit your surveys at least 10 business days prior to shipping, departing for international travel, conducting international research, or bringing a foreign colleague/visitor to campus.
- Do not submit more than one survey for the same case review. If you submit a case and need to provide updates (date changes, funding source modifications, laptop details, etc.) simply email export@vumc.org directly with the updates and we will change your file for you.
- Submitting multiple requests for the same case review will cause duplicates in the system, create errors, and will likely delay your case review.
- Submitting multiple requests for the same case review will cause duplicates in the system, create errors, and will likely delay your case review.
- Keep all export documentation and correspondence related to each case submission for ten (10) years past the last date of activity regarding your transaction.
Restricted Party Screening Request (RPS) 
Submit this survey to request a Restricted Party Screening*.
*Certain individuals and entities are listed on various domestic and internationally published or Government-maintained denied/restricted/blocked parties lists ("DPL"). We are prohibited from accepting funds, travelling to, supporting (financially or intellectually), or doing business with denied or restricted parties without an authorized license or appropriate, approved exemption. A RPS/DPL search will provide an assessment of whether any individual, entity, company, institution, organization, or group you may potentially interact with is on any of these lists.
Once we run the details you provide through RPS, we will let you know the result and provide a copy of the screening results upon request.
See https://www.vumc.org/globalsupport/rps for more detailed guidance.
Visa Deemed Export Questionnaire (VDEQ) 
Submit this survey when hiring a foreign national to ensure compliance with I-129 rules and other export control regulations.
International Travel Questionnaire (ITQ) 
Submit this survey to document business-related* travel outside the U.S.
*This includes personal travel when VUMC-owned assets will be taken with you or when VUMC systems will be accessed (even from a personal device) from abroad.
See https://www.vumc.org/globalsupport/international-travel for more detailed guidance on when ITQs are required.
Pre-Travel Checklist (Int'l Travel with Laptops & Mobile Devices) 
Use this as a quick reference to items/devices you are taking with you when you travel outside the U.S.
International Visitor Screening (IVS) 
Submit this form to document record of a visitor from outside the U.S. (regardless of nationality) to your department, office, lab, etc.
See https://www.vumc.org/globalsupport/international-visitor-screening for more detailed guidance.
International Shipment Review Survey 
Submit this survey to document an international shipment (physical export of items and/or information, technology, or data) outside the U.S.
**Note: This is required for ALL international shipments, regardless of whether or not the contents are export-controlled, who they are going to, or where they are going.**
See https://www.vumc.org/globalsupport/shipments for more detailed guidance.
International Collaboration Review Survey 
Submit this survey to document any collaboration with foreign persons or entities or when research will be conducted in a foreign country. (If the activity is being formalized or managed by OSP/OCM, you do not need to complete this form.)
See https://www.vumc.org/globalsupport/international-collaborations for more detailed guidance.
PI Lab Pre-Review Survey 
Submit this survey to assist the Export Compliance office in determining the compliance-related risk level associated with a VUMC laboratory/workspace.
Restricted Biological Agents 
Use this list as general guidance to determine if viruses, bacteria, toxin, fungi, or genetic material in question has export control restrictions.
Restricted Chemicals 
Use this list as general guidance to determine if chemicals or families in question have export control restrictions.
End-Use End-User Statement (EUEUS) 
If an international shipment is to a partner/entity without a MTA in place, submit this form in addition to the 'International Shipment Review' survey above.
See https://www.vumc.org/globalsupport/shipments for more detailed guidance.
Export Compliance Checklist 
Submit this survey to assist in identifying potential export control-related issues that may need to be addressed before proceeding with certain projects.
Relinquishment Form 
Use this form to relinquish VUMC-owned property (such as a laptop, cell phone, tablet, etc.) to become personal property of a foreign beneficiary. Once executed by all 3 parties, the beneficiary takes full ownership including permanent rights of transfer.
Commercial Invoice 
Use this form to assist in the documentation of a physical export (shipment) - when necessary - to an international country.
Before the invoice is sent (or any payment is made or received), we are required to vet each entity via restricted party screening.
If after selecting Commercial Invoice, you receive a screen that looks like the below, choose the 'Download' button in the upper right corner and a functional, local copy will be saved to your computer.
Export Compliance Review Flow Chart 
Use this flow chart as general guidance to determine whether or not the research, shipment, export, etc. in question has export control restrictions.
VUMC Export Compliance Flier 
This flyer may be printed and posted to assist in providing export compliance awareness for VUMC employees.
U.S. Export Controls Flow Chart 
Use this flow chart for a visual aid to assist you in familiarization with the foundation of U.S. Export Controls, regulations, guiding acts, and responsible departments, bureaus, and offices.
Restricted Genetic Elements & Genetically Modified Organisms
Restricted Vaccines, Immunotoxins & Medical Products
Notice an error or concern on a form or survey? Contact the Export Compliance office at (615) 875-7577 or export@vumc.org for further assistance.