Continuing Education Courses

The Vanderbilt Health Coaching Program offers the following continuing education courses approved by NBHWC:

Group Health Coaching ($45, 2 CEs)

Group health coaching can be a powerful intervention that provides assistance to larger numbers of clients, builds community and enhances accountability. It requires additional energy, planning, an understanding of group dynamics and development of group facilitation skills. This module will walk you through the basics of both the theory and application of group health coaching. The cost for this course is $45.

This fully online and self-paced CE course is approved by NBHWC for 2 continuing education units (Course #: CE-000188-1). Click here to register on our Eventbrite page.


Tune Up Your Follow-Up Session ($179: includes LIVE, Faculty-mentored call)

As an experienced health coach, you are aware of how important follow-up sessions are to the coaching process. The Vanderbilt Health Coaching Program (VHCP) has developed a reliable and evidence-based follow-up structure to lean into whether you’re a new or seasoned coach. This structure allows for the continued “topping up” of a client's motivation, deeper listening, and a roadmap for the coach to scaffold foundational and advanced skills and strategies. After completion of the online, self-paced material join a live and interactive Faculty-mentored call to apply your new learnings! Live calls offered quarterly.

This hybrid CE course is approved by NBHWC for 3 continuing education units (Course #: CEA-000438-2). Click here to register on our Eventbrite page.


Health Coaching Mentoring ($199, 5 CEs)

Good mentorship is a cornerstone to developing as a health and wellness coach. This training includes 4 modules for coaches interested in building their health coaching mentorship and teaching skills. The topics covered include developing greater presence, cultivating inspiring mentor traits, mentor responsibilities and associated skills. The cost for this course is $199.

This fully online and self-paced CE course is approved by NBHWC for 5 continuing education units (Course #: CE-000188-2). Click here to register on our Eventbrite page.

Additional questions? Please email .

NEW in 2024

Be a Trailblazer: Join Our 3-Part Mentorship CE Course!


Health Coaching Mentorship Level 2: Intermediate

Every mentor has different strengths and areas for enhancement. The Level 2: Intermediate course builds on Level 1: Foundations to give you a chance to apply the concepts learned while also “trying on” new mentorship skills in safe and supportive environment. You will receive and learn to provide tailored feedback in 3 live group mentorship calls. This online monthly group is comprised of seasoned health coaches who, like you, are also learning to mentor.  

The cost for this course is $585 and it is approved by NBHWC for 11 continuing education units (CEA-000319-1). Register for this course online.


Health Coaching Mentorship Level 3: Intermediate-Advanced

Apply your knowledge and skills from Levels 1 & 2 to further increase your mentorship abilities. You will observe a carefully selected coaching session, chosen for you by VHCP Faculty to both challenge and optimize your unique set of mentorship skills. After you provide mock feedback to the coach you observed, you will self-assess your mentorship. A VHCP faculty member will review your feedback and self-assessment, inviting additional insight and working with you on enhancing your mentorship style and skills. This process happens sequentially for three health coaching sessions, allowing you to move onto the next session with tailored faculty feedback aimed to help you meet your mentorship goals and refine your skills based on feedback from  highly experienced experts. 

The cost for this course is $299 and it is approved by NBHWC for 4.75 continuing educations units (CEA-000319-2). Email with any questions. Thank you for your interest in the advancement of health coaching!