RAPID-LHS Embedded Scientist Training and Research Center




Learning health systems (LHS) aim to close the major gaps that exist between the generation of clinical evidence, widespread implementation of proven interventions, and formulation of informed policy.

The overarching mission of the RAPID-LHS Center is to:

  • draw together scientists, clinicians, operational leaders, and mentors across disciplines and institutions to model the team science integral to a successful learning health system
  • formally train RAPID-LHS scientists in the best methods for redefining the relationship between research and practice as a continuous feedback loop

Learn more about the RAPID-LHS Center specific aims

Scientist Training

The RAPID-LHS Center will formally train RAPID-LHS scientists well versed in the best methods for engaging and improving the learning health system. Faculty may receive up to 2 years of support either as a RAPID-LHS Operational Scientist or a RAPID-LHS Academic Research Scientist. Didactic and experiential learning will be guided by the RAPID-LHS Center leadership and methodology core faculty and an individualized mentorship team.

The transdisciplinary curriculum instills the LHS competencies required for the design, adaptation, implementation, evaluation, dissemination, and sustainment of interventions in diverse health care contexts. All RAPID-LHS scientists will conduct embedded projects in academic or community-based health systems, focusing on patient-centered outcomes research, dissemination and implementation science, health policy and public health, stakeholder engagement and health equity, and methods advancement.

  • Operational Scientists (35% effort) will work on a project defined by operations leadership.
  • Academic Research Scientists (75% effort) will work on a project defined by operations leadership and will develop their own project idea in collaboration with operations leadership.

Learn more about Scientist eligibility, pathways, and how to apply.


The Center is supported by the AHRQ/PCORI Learning Health System Embedded Scientist Training and Research Centers (P30 HS029767), the VUMC Institute for Medicine and Public Health, and Meharry Medical College. 


Under the direction of Dr. Christianne Roumie, Dr. Russell Rothman, Dr. Peter Embí, and Dr. Rajbir Singh (Meharry site PI), the RAPID-LHS Center will provide scientists with didactic and experiential learning in LHS science. The center is supported by a diverse and accomplished team of mentors, health system and community partners, and an administrative team. 


The RAPID-LHS Center is organized around three cores:

  1. Administrative Core to oversee operations, communication, and evaluation
  2. Research and Data Analysis Core to support execution and embeddedness of LHS research
  3. Research Education Core to provide a tailored curriculum facilitating LHS competencies

Program Components

Individualized Training Program

Each RAPID-LHS scientist will have different training needs based on their background, interests, experience, and goals. In collaboration with their mentorship team, each scientist will create an individualized career development plan to ensure progress as an LHS scientist leader grounded in the LHS competencies developed by AHRQ. 

Embedded Research Projects

The experiential learning achieved through the embedded research project will strengthen applied LHS skills, improve population health, and lead to increasing independence as the next generation of LHS researchers. Each scientist will carry out an embedded research project that addresses patient, community, and health system stakeholder needs with special attention to health equity. 

Didactic and Research Education

The RAPID-LHS didactic training program will equip scientists with the knowledge and skills required for a successful career in LHS science. The educational program consists of required activities and individualized components that are anticipated to comprise no more than 15% of the scientist’s effort. 


For questions about the RAPID-LHS Center, please contact the program manager, Robyn Tamboli, PhD at robyn.tamboli@vumc.org.