Research and Education Core


Research and Education Core



The Research Education Core (REC), led by Dr. Roumie, will ensure a comprehensive education and robust career development for LHS scientists, including both academic and operational leaders.

REC Focus Areas

  • Protecting each scientist’s time to learn LHS fundamentals and develop the specific competencies necessary to build a program that will improve the healthcare system in which they are embedded.
  • Sustaining and broadening a tradition of excellence in interdisciplinary research and training.
  • Providing strong interdisciplinary mentor teams in the context of career development in LHS.
  • Anchoring the education program in structured didactic learning, with complementary experiential learning through the conduct of research.
  • Engaging mentors as facilitators with active roles in advising, pacing, problem-solving, and gaining buy-in from operational leaders for embedded research programs and projects.
  • Maximizing RAPID-LHS scientists’ access to Research and Data Analysis Core (RDAC) resources and continuously monitoring progress to enhance each scientist’s career outcomes and scientific products.
  • Encouraging scientific questions that allow for interventions that resonate with patient need, address structural inequalities, and reduce inequities so that all people can reach their full health potential.