Embedded Research Projects


Embedded Research Projects



All RAPID-LHS scientists will conduct embedded projects in academic or community-based health systems, focusing on:

·        patient-centered outcomes research

·        dissemination and implementation science

·        health policy and public health

·        stakeholder engagement and health equity

·        methods advancement

Through the conduct of a research project embedded in the health system, RAPID-LHS scientist will demonstrate the following competencies:

·       access to members of the community to create projects that address community health needs

·       direct engagement with health system leaders, as well as local operational leaders and clinicians related to their embedded project 

·        a strong foundation in research design, methods, and analytics

·       increasing independence in critical thinking

·       use of state-of-the-art methodological approaches

·       comprehensive understanding of relationships between the health sciences and health care delivery

The RAPID-LHS Center provides the following research resources to RAPID-LHS scientists:

·       Community Engagement Studio (required) to solicit community input on the research project to understand community priorities and needs and assess feasibility

·       LHS Platform presentation (required) to gain input from methodologists and clinical operational leaders

·       Research Data Analysis Core (RDAC) initial consultation (required) and additional support as deemed necessary