RAPID-LHS Scientist Eligibility & Application


Scientist Eligibility & Application Process



The RAPID-LHS Center is accepting applications for faculty scholars who will impact our health system and accelerate progress towards an integrated learning health system (LHS). Faculty may receive up to 2 years of support as a RAPID-LHS Operational Scientist or a RAPID-LHS Academic Research Scientist. The eligibility criteria, scientist pathways, and application process are outlined below.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Faculty appointment at VUMC, VU, or Meharry 
  • Doctoral degree in disciplines relevant to LHS (e.g. MD, DDS, PharmD, DNP, PhD in nursing, psychology, health behavior, health economics, social work, epidemiology, audiology, physical therapy, or biomedical informatics) 
  • Ability to devote 35% (Operational Scientist) or 75% (Academic Research Scientist) of full-time effort to career development and research for 1-2 years 
  • Certification of protected time from the applicant's chair, chief, or supervisor with description of duties outside of the program 

RAPID-LHS Center scientist pathways, requirements, and support

Scientist type:

Operational Scientist

Academic Research Scientist

Effort level and salary support*:



Effort allocation during appointment:

15% career development

20% research

15% career development

60% research

Research project:

One project that aligns with operational priorities that may be defined by leadership or collaboratively developed by the applicant.

Two projects: an operational project that is defined by leadership and an academic research project that is developed by the applicant in collaboration with leadership.

Research project support:

$10,500/year for project costs.

Additional funds to support use of RAPID-LHS Cores and career development activities.

$10,500/year for project costs.

Additional funds to support use of RAPID-LHS Cores and career development activities.

*base salary support ($105,175) plus fringe (21.8%) allocated by grant funds

Application Process

All interested candidates must first complete this short survey of interest: https://redcap.link/RAPID-LHS.InterestedApplicants

If you are unsure about your eligibility or which scientist type to apply for, please schedule a meeting with the RAPID-LHS Center leadership by contacting the program manager, Robyn Tamboli, PhD at robyn.tamboli@vumc.org.

If the candidate is invited to apply, we will provide the application link with the following application components:

  1. Applicant Information entered into the application form
  2. Applicant Demographics entered into the application form
  3. RAPID-LHS Application
    • selection of scientist type
    • upload chair/chief letter certifying protected time and responsibilities
    • selection of operational projects of interest from provided list in the REDCap application form
    • upload 4-page research project plan on provided template in the REDCap application form (Academic Research Scientist only)
    • upload CV
    • upload 1-page career plan on provided template in the REDCap application form

updated 2/13/2024