Research and Data Analysis Core


Research and Data Analysis Core



The Research and Data Analysis Core (RDAC), led by Drs. Rothman and Embí, provides relevant services to support the embedded research of RAPID-LHS scientists and other partner LHS scientists. The RDAC is comprised of five sub-cores that will work closely together to support scientist needs based on their initial needs assessment and consultation with RDAC leaders, and the LHS platform.

RDAC Cores and Leads

  • Patient-Centered Outcomes Research | Dr. Russell Rothman
    • helping patients to make informed decisions and generating evidence about which strategies are safe, effective, and add value to health
  • Dissemination and Implementation | Dr. Sunil Kripalani
    • improving the uptake, adaptation, delivery, and sustainability of effective health interventions to improve health equity
  • Health Policy and Public Health | Dr. David Stevenson
    • targeting policy influence to benefit all patients and improve public health
  • Stakeholder Engagement and Health Equity | Dr. Velma McBride Murry
    • ensuring that equity is addressed and that clinicians, patients, health system administrators, community members, and organizations are engaged in all aspects of the LHS
  • Methods Advancement | Dr. Peter Embí
    • facilitating the advancement and skilled use of methodological approaches and techniques that enhance the LHS and answer clinical questions of importance to patients and other stakeholders.