RAPID-LHS Educational Components


Didactic and Research Education



The RAPID-LHS Center offers rich and diverse opportunities to advance skills and knowledge in learning health systems (LHS) science and participate in career development activities.

RAPID-LHS Educational Components 

  • Study Design and Analysis for LHS Research (required, monthly over first year) – An interactive seminar to provide training on study design and analyses with an emphasis on the PCORI Methodology Standards. These seminars will occur monthly, and scientists will attend in their first year of program participation.
  • Community Engaged Research Series (required, asynchronous) - A self-paced series of five recorded lectures on community engagement sponsored by the Vanderbilt-Meharry Community Engaged Research Core.  
  • Work in Progress Seminars (required, weekly, 1 hr, hybrid) - These seminars provide postdoctoral fellows and faculty scientists with a forum to present and receive feedback from peers and senior faculty. Each RAPID-LHS scientist will be required to present their research once or twice per year. Presentations include a description of the clinical question, methods, challenges, and questions for discussion and often lead to project refinement.
  • Implementation Science Seminar Series (required, weekly, 1 hr, remote) - This seminar series focuses on dissemination and implementation research methods and their application in ongoing or completed studies. Featured speakers include local and national leaders in implementation research, including operational leaders at VUMC and guest speakers such as external invited health system stakeholders and leaders. This series also includes a journal club to review new scientific findings and methods to provide training and experience in evaluating scientific literature, with a focus on implementation research.
  • Learning Health System Research Peer Mentoring Community (required, monthly, 1 hr remote) - RAPID-LHS scientists are part of a monthly LHS Peer Mentoring Community with other early-career researchers across VUMC. Junior faculty and postdoctoral fellows in implementation and LHS research meet to discuss their ongoing research, challenges, and successes.
  • Vanderbilt Symposium on Implementation Research in the Learning Health System (required, annual, 1 day, in person) - The symposium showcases projects in implementation research, improvement science, or embedded research in the LHS and fosters connections between research and operations to improve health care delivery. The program includes invited national keynote speakers, operational and research presenters, and a poster session. RAPID-LHS scientists will present and receive feedback on their research through a poster presentation (required) and connect with operational and research leaders through networking events.
  • Learning Healthcare System Platform Workshops (required, weekly, 1 hr, remote) - Attended by operational leaders, clinical trialists, biostatisticians, and implementation scientists, these weekly workshops allow investigators to discuss and refine their ideas for embedded research. RAPID-LHS scientists will attend to learn about design, statistical, and ethical considerations in pragmatic studies and to propose their own project.
  • Individualized training activities to meet the scientists' career development needs.
  • Measurement & Analysis for Health Care Improvement (optional) – This formal course takes a deep dive into understanding measures used to assess quality in health and health care. A prerequisite completion of the IHI Open School.
  • Implementation Science (optional) - This formal course facilitates the selection of implementation frameworks, strategies, and measurement tools for use in LHS projects and grant applications and provides the theoretical skills to guide approaches developed during the experiential research process.