Thanksgiving may look a little bit different this year. With COVID-19 cases at an all-time high, the holidays will seem different. During the holiday season consider alternative ways to celebrate. The CDC suggests that small family gatherings are an important contributor to the rise in COVID-19 cases. Traveling by air, train, or even by car during the holidays can increase your chances of getting and spreading COVID-19.1 If your family still plans on traveling, here are a few things to consider when traveling during the holiday season by car:
Limit the amount of stops
- Avoid making frequent stops to get gas, food, or to use the restroom.
- Consider bringing your own food to avoid additional exposure.
Check Travel Restrictions
- Being flexible during your travel will be important as travel restrictions and stay at home orders may change as you are traveling.
- Be sure to check the local and state government travel restrictions in the location where you will be traveling to.
Limit high traffic areas
- Be sure to stay at least 6 feet from anyone who is not is your household.
- Consider using a disposable glove or a disinfecting wipe on handles at gas pumps.
- Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after using the bathroom and after you have been in a public place.1
- If possible, consider bringing your own food.
Be Sure Your Car is Road Ready
- Consider having your car serviced or inspected before hitting the road.
- Pay for gas with cards to avoid the additional face to face interaction.
Now more than ever, preparation is key. Be sure to check this link for a directory of state transportation department websites regarding the latest information on COVID-19 travel changes. For more information on teen driving, visit our website here.