Credo, Five Pillar Leader and Team Awards

We honor those who consistently live our values and reflect our culture of service with three awards: the Credo Award, the Five Pillar Leader Award and the Team Award.

Award nominations are always accepted. If a nomination is received after the deadline for award selection, the nomination will be considered for the next session. The next submission deadline is June 27, 2025 for the September Leadership Assembly.

When writing an award nomination, please include stories and/or examples of specific behaviors along with the impact of the behavior on those around the nominee.

Credo Award

To recognize individuals who consistently demonstrate exceptional credo behavior by making those they serve their highest priority, having a sense of ownership, conducting themselves professionally, respecting privacy and confidentiality, communicating effectively and committed to colleagues.

All staff, faculty and house staff members serving VUMC are eligible who meet the following criteria:

  • Staff must meet expectations on Credo performance during mid-year and annual performance evaluations.
  • Faculty and house staff nominees must be in good standing.
  • Has not had a written performance plan or discipline in the last twelve months.
  • Manager/Chair approval obtained by representative of the selecting committee.
  • Nominations may be made by anyone including faculty, staff, house staff, patients, patients family, and volunteers. Self-nominations are not accepted.
  • Members of the selection committees are not eligible.

There will be up to four awards presented at each Leadership Assembly. The recipient will receive $500, a crystal trophy, and a gift bag.

Nomination form

Five Pillar Leader Award

The Five Pillar Leader Award is to recognize exceptional leaders who consistently model a balanced approach to leadership across the five pillars of excellence and the Credo. These leaders sustain a focus on people, service, quality, innovation, growth and finance, that supports Vanderbilt University Medical Centers service and operational excellence.

All leaders serving VUMC are eligible with the exception of executive leadership* guided by the following criteria:

  • Nominees in a leadership position for at least one year.
  • Nominees must be in good standing and nominations must be supported by one up leader.
  • Nominations may be made by any faculty or staff member. Self-nominations are not accepted.
  • Nominees must consistently demonstrate practices that impact success across the five pillars and consistently demonstrate Credo behavior.

There will be one award presented at each Leadership Assembly. The recipient will receive an engraved award, $500 and a gift bag.

*Executive Leader Eligibility - Senior leaders reporting to the President and CEO or Deputy CEO are not eligible.

Nomination Form

Team Award

VUMC Teams are critical to our overall success. We rely on teams to accomplish the work of VUMC on a daily basis. Some of our teams are organizationally based (e.g. department, unit, clinic, etc.) and some of our teams are cross-functional, meaning people working together from two or more departments or job functions to work on a targeted need (clinical, product, change, problem, process improvement, etc.).

To recognize the efforts of two or more people linked to a common purpose working together in a shared practice, purpose, project or initiative, whose combined efforts deliberately made a change, improved a process, solved a problem or advanced our culture. The team efforts must exemplify the Credo behaviors in achieving their common purpose.

There will be one award presented at each Leadership Assembly. The team will receive up to $100 per person up to $1000 total to be spent on an approved recognition event or activity.

Nomination Form