These rules and regulations are subject to revision by VUMC Parking and Transportation
(revised February 2022)
I. General Parking
These regulations are established by Vanderbilt University Medical Center. They are applicable to all students, faculty, staff, and visitors on the VUMC campus and One Hundred Oaks campus.
The purpose of these regulations is to facilitate the safe and orderly conduct of Medical Center business by providing parking availability for the VUMC community.
Parking and Transportation Services is responsible for implementation and enforcement of these regulations. Violations of these regulations will be cited through appropriate channels for disciplinary action.
Regulations are enforceable seven(7) days a week, twenty-four(24) hours a day, including holidays.
VUMC is not and shall not be liable under any circumstances for the loss of or damage to vehicles or contents thereof parked in a lot or structure by fire, theft, or any other cause whatsoever not arising directly from the negligent acts of VUMC or its employees acting within the scope of their employment.
VUMC reserves the right to restrict the use of any parking stall, area, structure or surface lot at any time and to temporarily or permanently relocate permit holders as necessary.
- Vanderbilt University Medical Center requires all vehicles parking on the VUMC and 100 Oaks campuses by faculty, staff, vendors, affiliates, or students of the Medical Center be registered with the Parking and Transportation Services department.
- The registration policy also applies to vendors and construction workers doing business on Medical Center premises.
- Vehicles can be registered at the VUMC Parking Office located on the ground level of the East Garage
- The following items are required to register a vehicle:
- Current VUMC ID badge
- Current vehicle registration that includes license plate numbers, as well as make, model, year, and color of the vehicle(s)
- Payment information if other than payroll deduction
- A repositionable parking permit will be issued to those who have registered their vehicle. To be valid, this permit should be affixed to the lower corner of the driver’s side window. The permit should be affixed to the interior of the window. Parking permits must be fully viewable from the outside and should not cover the vehicle identification number(VIN).
- Commuters may register more than one vehicle, but only one vehicle may be on the Medical Center campus at any given time. The repositionable permit may be moved from one vehicle to another.
- Vehicle information must be updated when vehicles or license plates change. Vehicles that are not updated may be cited for unmatched information.
- Alteration, reproduction, or transfer of any type of parking permit may result in a fine of $100, disciplinary action and/or revocation of parking privileges.
- Permit ownership may not be transferred to another faculty, staff or student under any circumstance.
- By accepting your permit you are agreeing to follow and abide by the VUMC Parking and Transportation Service's Rules and Regulations.
- Parking rates for permits issued to VUMC faculty, physicians, and staff will be payroll deducted on a monthly basis and are not pro-rated.
- For weekly and biweekly staff, payments are deducted on the second paycheck of each month.
- Part time/PRN staff who may not have consistent hours, or staff whose paycheck is consistently less than their parking fee may be required to prepay.
- Parking rates are subject to change with a 30 day notice.
- Registered parkers are responsible for notifying Parking and Transportation Services of any employment status changes.
- Status change examples include:
- Shift change(e.g. third shift to first shift)
- Location change(e.g. relocating from main campus to off-site location or a transfer to the main campus from an off-site location)
- Status change does not include “Work From Home”. If designated as such, it is recommended that faculty and staff evaluate if it is more economical to incur the monthly fee or by purchasing single day hangtags.
- Leave status- registered parkers on approved FMLA leave may notify Parking and Transportation Services to suspend the monthly parking fee and hold parking assignment.
- Failure to notify Parking and Transportation Services may impact parking assignment and/or parking fee.
- Permanent cancellation- It is the sole responsibility of the parker to request cancellation of their parking permit and subsequent payroll deduction. To stop payroll deduction, employees MUST RETURN the parking permit to the Parking Permit Office.
Expired permits do not constitute cancellation of parking. The payroll deduction will continue until the permit has been returned to the Parking Permit Office.
- Temporary cancellation(ONLY AVAILABLE FOR FMLA LEAVE)- Parkers taking continuous FMLA leave may stop their parking payroll deduction for the months they are not at work. If your leave will be longer than 3 months, please return your permit. You can reinstate your parking when you return. If your leave is less than 3 months, a copy of your approved Continuous FMLA dates is needed for verification. Requests must be submitted to the VUMC Parking Permit Office 30 days prior to the leave, or if a refund is requested, within 30 days after the return to work. Parking fees are not waived or refunded for Intermittent Leaves.
- Parking and Transportation Services is not responsible for fees incurred from failure by registered parker to provide notification of status change.
- Refunds will not be issued without the return of the permit.
- Retroactive refunds are only available for temporary parking cancellations due to FMLA leave. Parkers must provide a copy of the approved continuous FMLA dates to receive a refund.
- Bus tickets, train tickets, and day hangtags are non-refundable.
- Faculty, Staff and Students may not park any Patient/Visitor area for work or school functions.
- Faculty, Staff and Students are allowed to park in Patient/Visitor areas only while they are a patient or visitor at VUMC or 100 Oaks campus. On days when parking as a patient, employees and students may use the valet service or self-parking. The vehicle should only be parked in patient areas for the duration of the appointment/visit.
- Faculty, Staff and Students may call the Parking Permit Office at 615-936-1215, option 3, in advance when parking as a Patient or Patient Visitor. Once your appointment is over please return your vehicle to your designated permit parking area. Emailed and faxed requests will not be accepted.
- Faculty and staff parking on VUMC property without a permit or parking in unauthorized areas may receive citations and fines.
- Parker agrees to pay for citations, fines or replacement fees either in person at the VUMC Parking Permit Office or online at the VUMC Parking and Transportation Services website.
- Once a citation has been issued, removal of the citation by blowing away or falling off the vehicle or by the action of another person or persons does not absolve the vehicle’s owner from responsibility for the violation.
- On rare occasions, a parking warning or citation may be issued to a Faculty, Staff or Student by mistake. Should this occur, please file an appeal. Appeals must be filed in writing within 14 days of the date on the citation.
- The owner/driver of the vehicle is responsible for the parking citation and bears the burden of proof when contesting the citation.
- Appeals will be responded to within 10 business days of receipt by Parking and Transportation Services Office.
- If the appeal is granted, the violation will be waived and no further action will be required by the parker who initiated the appeal. If the appeal is not granted, the violator must pay the fine or may face employment action through the discipline process for staff or notification to Faculty Affairs or GME offices for further actions/steps.
- The Parking Permit Office will not approve appeals made for the following reasons:
- Lack of knowledge of the parking rules and regulations.
- Other vehicles were parked incorrectly.
- Only parked incorrectly for a short period of time.
- Stated failure of parking officer to ticket previously for similar offenses.
- Being late for work and parking in an unauthorized area.
- Inability to pay the amount of the fine.
- Parking in the Patient/Patient Visitor parking area for any reason other than being a patient or visitor.
- Parking in a No Parking area.
- For permit holders who have changed from night shift to day shift but have not changed their parking permits to a day permit.
- Permission to park given by anyone other that a VUMC Parking and Transportation Services employee.
- Faculty and staff parking on VUMC property without a permit or parking in unauthorized areas may receive citations and fines. Failing to pay citations could result in employment action through the discipline process for staff or notification to Faculty Affairs or GME offices for further actions/steps.
- If the employee doesn’t take action to reach a payment agreement with Parking & Transportation Services, further employment action will occur. For staff, these actions will include manager notifications and progressive discipline for continued noncompliance. Members of the faculty and house staff will be referred to their appropriate office, either the Office of Faculty Affairs or Office of Graduate Medical Education. The process in detail is:
- Employees will be issued a warning citation for the first occasion of parking incorrectly, for example, having an invalid parking permit or not parking in properly designated employee areas.
- Any repeat violations of parking rules and regulations will result in the employee receiving a monetary citation. A reminder notice will be sent to the employee via email both the week the citation was received and the month the citation was received. The notice will include the amount of the citation(s), and how and when to pay the fine.
- If an employee has either four monetary citations in a 6-month period with no payment agreement for the fines incurred or the citations have reached an amount of $250 with no payment agreement, the employee's Home Department manager will receive an email notification that the employee has 30 days to remedy the payment process. In these instances, members of the faculty and house staff will be referred to their appropriate office, either the Office of Faculty Affairs or Office of Graduate Medical Education.
- If no action is taken, the employee will be placed on written disciplinary warning by their Home Department manager. Employees are given another 30 days to remedy the payment process with Parking & Transportation Services.
- If no action is taken within 30 days, the employees is placed on Final Written Warning by their Home Department manager.
- If no action is taken within 15 days to pay the fines, then the employees will be terminated by their Home Department manager.
- The Director of VUMC Parking & Transportation Services may revoke the privilege to park a vehicle on the Medical Center campus for one year under the following circumstances; (a) the owner or operator falsifies or willfully misrepresents vehicle registration information; (b) the owner/operator displays a fraudulent permit on a vehicle; (c) the individual has accumulated ten (10) or more parking citations during an academic year; or (d) individual is found responsible for reckless driving or pedestrian endangerment.
- Vehicles having excessive violation citations which have not been satisfactorily disposed of by payment of assessed fines within the fourteen(14) calendar day period or by a successful appeal may be towed.
- Proof of identity, driver’s license, and vehicle registration must be provided when retrieving a vehicle.
- During special events, the Medical Center reserves the right to temporarily restrict or re-designate parking areas for permit holders. If you are holding a special event, please send an email to with the following details: Type of Event and Request, Date, Time, Number of Guests, Department, Contact name and phone number.
- Football games- Vehicles parked in the N-Lot must be moved before game days or may be subject to towing. Please refer to the Parking Privileges page to learn where you can park during home football games.
- Disability Parking- In accordance with VUMC, State of Tennessee, and Federal regulations, Faculty, Staff, and Students with physical disabilities and State-issued disability parking placards will be accommodated with approval by the Employee Relations Office. Vanderbilt Employees and students with state-issued disability plates or placards may park in any designated disabled space in his/her permit area. A valid VUMC permit and state-issued placard must be displayed when parking in these spaces. Faculty, Staff or Students with permanent physical disabilities may not park in patient or visitor spaces unless he/she is a patient or visitor to the hospital.
- Reasonable Accommodation Request- Any employee and student may request temporary accommodations parking. A Medical Provider Request Form and Reasonable Accommodations Request Form must be submitted to the Employee Relations office. The parker may also be required to obtain a state-issued disability parking placard.
If the request is approved by Employee Relations, the parker will be given a valid Medical Center Parking Permit for a pre-designated location. Reasonable Accommodation parking cannot exceed three (3) months.
- Any permit holder driving a different vehicle should move the permit to the temporary vehicle. If one does not have access to his/her permit, he/she should park in his/her normal location and call the Parking Permit Office at 936-1215 option 3 to request a Virtual Permit.
- Temporary Medical Center employees are issued a permit for a designated location and must be prepaid in full. Refunds are not issued for temporary employees who complete their assignment before the expiration of their parking permit. Temps are not eligible for Wait List options.
- Motor Vehicle Failure- In the event of vehicle mechanical failure, the operator must notify the VUMC Parking Permit office and after normal business hours, contact the Vanderbilt University Police Department (615-322-2745). Under no circumstances may the vehicle block traffic, a fire lane, or cause a safety hazard. Vehicles may be relocated if necessary.
- Vehicle Accidents- Persons involved in accidents that result in personal injury and/or property damage should report the accidents to the Vanderbilt University Police Department at 615-322-2745 or, for life threatening situations, at 615-421-1911.
- Lost permits and/or gate cards are the responsibility of the individual who registered the vehicle and will be replaced at a cost of $60 each. Permits lost through accidental circumstances will be replaced at no charge with written verification, i.e. accident report, insurance claim, or proof of sale. These replacement fees are due at the time of replacement.
Visit the VUMC Parking Permit Office to obtain a replacement and to file a Lost/Stolen Form. If the missing permit or gate card is returned to the Permit Office within 30 days of the replacements issue date, a refund will be issued. Any permits or gate cards returned after 30 days will not be refunded.
- When checks are returned by a bank for insufficient funds, closed accounts, etc., the amount of the check will be billed or payroll deducted. A return fee of $25 will also be billed or deducted.