
Research Interns and Observers at VUMC

Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) is one of the nation's premiere biomedical research institutions.  Research interns and observers are individuals from local, national, and international universities and high schools who are considering or pursuing a career in biomedical research and who wish to experience a short-term, research experience in one of VUMC's research areas. Research experiences are arranged by the department and participant and appointed or processed by the Medical Center Relations office.

General Criteria:

The following criteria must be met for an individual to be considered for an appointment as an intern (paid) or observer (unpaid):

  • A succinct description of the specific research project is provided and describes the educational objectives and goals for the experience.
  • The experience will inform the participant about biomedical research and potential career options in this field.
  • The time period for the experience will be defined by start and stop dates and is short-term (less than or equal to one year).
  • The participant will have a faculty mentor. All participants will be directly supervised by the mentor or the mentor's designee, who is a VUMC employee with expertise, education, and/or professional experience in the field of the participant’s experience, and who will provide frequent feedback to the participant.
  • While a research project may involve study patients or subjects in an IRB-approved protocol, interns and observers are non-clinical participants. If their project involves an IRB-approved study, the participant must be added as key study personnel, complete the required training, and be under the direct supervision of the mentor or designee.

Please consult with your Human Resources Business Partner about consideration for Intern (paid) versus Observer (unpaid) research experience.

Additional Resources

If the Participant is a(n):


High School Student (whether or not they are part of a formal VU/VUMC program, paid or unpaid) ​and will be in a VUMC research areaAppointed by Medical Center Relations. ​Paperwork is initiated by the Primary Investigator (PI) or their department personnel or the program director (i.e. REHSS, SOCKS).
VU Undergraduate student in a VUMC research area and ​will not be paidAppointed by Medical Center Relations. ​Paperwork is initiated by the PI or their department personnel or the program director (i.e. REHSS, SOCKS).
VU Undergraduate Student ​in a VUMC research area and ​will be paid from a non-VUMC source:Appointed by Medical Center Relations. ​Paperwork is initiated by the PI or their department personnel or the program director (i.e. VUSRP, VVRP).
VU Undergraduate Student in a VUMC research area and ​will be paid an hourly rate from a VUMC sourceHired through VUMC TempForce.
VU Undergraduate Student in a VUMC research area and ​will be paid a stipend from a VUMC sourceAppointed by Medical Center Relations. ​Paperwork is initiated by the PI or their department personnel.
VU Undergraduate Student in a VUMC research area and ​receiving course creditAppointed by Medical Center Relations. ​Paperwork is initiated by the PI or their department personnel.
VU Undergraduate Student for ​clinical shadowing ONLYClearance through VU Health Professions Advisory Office (HPAO)
Non-VU Undergraduate Student ​in a VUMC research area, ​paid or unpaid, credit or no creditAppointed by Medical Center Relations. ​Paperwork is initiated by the PI or their department personnel.
VU Graduate Student, Postdoc, or Staff who needs access to VUMC clinical resources, such as patients, patient data, or clinical areas for their research work, with a VUMC-employed PIApproved by Medical Center Relations. ​Paperwork is initiated by the PI or their department personnel.
VU Graduate Student, Postdoc, or Staff who needs access to VUMC clinical resources, such as patients, patient data, or clinical areas for their research work, with a VU-employed PIApproved by VU Research Office and Medical Center Relations. ​Paperwork is initiated by the VU Research Office
Non-VU Graduate Student in a VUMC research area, ​paid or unpaid, credit or no creditAppointed by Medical Center Relations. ​Paperwork is initiated by the PI or their department personnel
Visiting Medical Student ​for a clinical rotation​Clearance through the Office of Enrollment Services
Visiting Medical Student ​for a research experience in a VUMC research areaAppointed by Medical Center Relations. ​Paperwork is initiated by the PI or their department personnel.
​Visiting Resident or HousestaffClearance through Graduate Medical Education Office
VU Faculty who needs access to VUMC clinical resources, such as patients, patient data, or clinical areas for their research workApproved by VU Research Office and Medical Center Relations. ​Paperwork is initiated by the VU Research Office
​Visiting Faculty Member or Distinguished Person​Clearance through VUMC Faculty Affairs & Career Development Office
​All Other Non-Faculty individuals at VUMC for a short-term research experience in a VUMC research areaAppointed by Medical Center Relations. ​Paperwork is initiated by the PI or their department personnel.
​Clinical Shadowing ONLY ​(High School student, Non-VU undergraduate student, VU & Non-VU graduate student, prospective employee, current VUMC employee for non-work related observations, and working professionals)Clearance through ​Vanderbilt Observational Experience (VOE)
​Clinical Shadowing while also working in a VUMC research areaAppointed by Medical Center Relations. ​Paperwork is initiated by the PI or their department personnel (Medical Center Relations will communicate with the VOE Office).