IMPH Staff Council

Purpose of the IMPH Staff Council:

  • Provide a forum for staff and leadership to discuss ideas
  • Share pertinent information
  • Engage research stakeholders
  • Evaluate and contribute to process improvements
  • Offer feedback to administrators, IMPH Leadership, and IMPH Leadership Council

Do you have ideas, questions, concerns?
We’d love to hear from you!

Staff council members are here to represent and advocate for you! We are a group of staff members created to serve as a transparent and confidential platform for IMPH staff members. In the future, all staff will have a chance to serve on the council.

Feel free to reach out to a council member. Anonymity and privacy will always be upheld, and all staff can feel comfortable sharing with us. The online suggestion form is another option for communication with staff council members. This form can be submitted anonymously. 

Submit Your Suggestion Here