The Rhythm of Research in the Music Cognition Lab

The world of pre-meds at Vanderbilt is unforgiving, lonely and at times unrewarding. It is a community of students with the determination of steel and a “do it or die trying” attitude. “All I have to do is beat the curve” is the mantra of many as we prepare for battle against our peers in pursuit of the A’s that are only given to 10 percent of the class. Amidst this harsh and cutthroat environment, I have found an oasis that has reminded me of my love for science once again—the Music Cognition Lab.

Research experience is essential for medical school admission these days. Naturally, I was on the hunt for a lab, any lab, that I could tolerate for a few years and hopefully boost my application. The Music Cognition Lab surprised me with its unique goals and people. Was it possible to do science that I found relevant and fulfilling? Was it possible to incorporate my love for music with my fascination with the human body? I found the answer to these questions and more when I began working with Dr. Reyna Gordon in what I consider to be a community of the most well-rounded and interesting people I have ever met.