The Program for Music, Mind, and Society makes Music City more musical through the SeREnADe project

At its most fundamental level, SeREnADe’s 10-week music classes fulfill a community need. There are very few programs such as SeREnADe in the country, particularly for younger children with autism, simply due to the fact that other programs may not have the supports in place to best fit the needs of families with children with autism. We are fortunate to have TRIAD as a collaborator on our project, in part for this reason: they have been instrumental to training our team and providing resources to ensure that we are using the best evidence-based practices to behaviorally support the children we serve. What also makes this project unique is that we think beyond just the children. A key goal of SeREnADe is to make parents/caregivers active participants by providing them with resources and supports to help them engage with their children and foster interactions through music, and perhaps, in the process, decrease their own levels of stress. Through participating in SeREnADe, families build a musical toolbox of techniques and strategies for engaging in musical activities and encouraging social interaction.