Resident Spotlight

Brett Graham, Class of 2024 — Resident Profile

Dr. Brett Graham enjoys a good “diagnostic puzzle,” which is what in part has attracted him to pursue a post-residency specialty in neuro-immunology. He has been surprised by how much he enjoys walking with his patients, even during difficult moments. Juggling family life (Brett and his wife just welcomed their third child) with his residency work schedule means that Brett spends most of his free time playing around the house with his kids.  What is your background and how did your path lead to Vanderbilt? 

Heston Arnold, Class of 2024 — Resident Profile

A combination of a love for science and a desire to bring healthcare to underserved populations inspired Dr. Heston Arnold to pursue a medical career. Now a PGY-3 neurology resident, Dr. Arnold has gained confidence in his skill as he looks toward a future in Movement Disorders and General Neurology. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his co-residents and traveling.  Tell me about your background and how your path led to Vanderbilt. 

Dr. Laura Zabalgoitia, Class of 2023 — Resident Profile

Dr. Laura Zabalgoitia’s background in social work inspired her interest in public health, specifically health disparities and other socio-economic factors that impact care. She has crafted her residency curriculum to focus on these interests, and will further pursue them in fellowship and beyond, particularly as they relate to stroke medicine. Her weekends involve cooking for friends, exploring new music venues, and heaping affection on her cat. Tell us a bit about your background prior to your arrival at Vanderbilt.

Dr. Graham Mitro, Class of 2023 — Resident Profile

While not his initial plan as he graduated Kenyon College prepared for a career in the Classics, Dr. Graham Mitro has discovered that Neurology is the perfect fit and a rewarding career. He enjoys helping patients regain some control over their bodies, and outside of work hours he spends time exploring Nashville and spending time outdoors. Perhaps in a few years you’ll spot Dr. Mitro at a local farmer’s market, as he recently started learning the art of making preserves and culinary fermentation.

Dr. Carynn Koch, Class of 2023 — Resident Profile

Initially attracted to Vanderbilt because of the well-established Neurology program, Dr. Carynn Koch discovered a supportive environment for continuing her training. She has recognized growth in herself–both professionally and personally–through the challenging moments and the “blur” that sometimes accompanies late-night call shifts. Dr. Koch will continue her training in Neuroimmunology after residency, and in the meantime enjoying Nashville’s parks and food scene.  Tell us about your background and how your path led to Vanderbilt.

Dr. Dakota Schumacher, Class of 2023 — Resident Profile

Austin, Texas native Dr. Dakota Schumacher started pursuing a Neurology career after his experience shadowing a neurologist in undergrad exemplified just how critical a physical neurology exam could be for making a diagnosis and developing a relationship with the patient. He hasn’t looked back since, and following residency he plans to pursue fellowship training in Movement Disorders.

Dr. Zhikui “Zeke” Wei — Resident Profile

As a Ph.D. student at Johns Hopkins, Dr. Zhikui “Zeke” Wei discovered his interest in a career in academic medicine, thus launching his journey into medical school and now residency. While much of residency has been focused on the clinical side of caring for patients, he has also taken advantage of opportunities to participate in research, particularly in the sleep medicine sub-specialty. In his time off, he enjoys exploring nature in and around Nashville, as well as cooking “comfort food” recipes from his home region of China. 

Dr. Adam Harshbarger — Resident Profile

Fourth year resident Dr. Adam Harshbarger appreciates the process-oriented nature of the neurology exam, perhaps influenced by his undergraduate studies in economics. He looks forward to the research emerging across the neurology discipline that will eventually lead to treatments that focus on the root causes of neurological diseases. Never one to waste a day off, Dr. Harshbarger often heads to a local stream to do some fly fishing right after a long call shift, coffee in hand. 

Dr. Lucia Chen — Resident Profile

Dr. Lucia Chen, who hails from Atlanta, Georgia, plans to pursue a stroke fellowship following her final year of residency at Vanderbilt. The improvements in the available treatments for stroke victims, along with new research in the field, appeal to her appreciation for complex inpatient cases. Like many of us, Dr. Chen looks forward to post-COVID traveling, and in the meantime, you’ll find her exploring Nashville’s restaurant scene. Tell us about your background. Where you did you grow up, and how did your path lead to Vanderbilt? 

Dr. Katharine Sourbeer — Resident Profile

As co-chief resident for the 2021-2022 academic year, Dr. Katharine Sourbeer looks forward to the fresh perspectives that come with the role. Once conflicted between pursuing medicine or marine biology, she hopes to specialize in movement disorders as she embarks on the next step of her career. Marine biology, and specifically turtles, continues to be a hobby and eventual retirement plan. In her free time, you can find her kayaking, exploring Nashville’s scenic greenways, and spending time with friends.