
An important part of being involved in QI, EBP and research is telling others about your work. Dissemination can be as simple as sharing about your project at a staff meeting or unit board. You could also present your work locally, nationally or even internationally!
We encourage nurses to write about their work also. Writing for publication could begin with submitting an article for a newsletter, or to VUMC’s own peer-reviewed journal, The Empowered Nurse. Our office can help you choose the right place to submit your manuscript and guide you through the writing process.
The resources on this page can assist you with all kinds of dissemination.

  • BRET Poster Printing Services office hours are 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday. Beginning on July 1, 2019, office hours will be 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM Monday through Friday.  

    Please plan your poster printing needs to conform with the new hours of operation.  Last minute orders will only be accepted if scheduling permits. More information to follow!