8th Annual Gerald S. Gotterer Health Professions Education Research Day (HPERD) - December 9, 2016

HPERD 2016

The 2016 Gerald S. Gotterer Health Professions Education Research Day (HPERD) was held on December 9, 2016. Since 2009, this event has been held each year to highlight education research in the health professions ongoing in the Vanderbilt University Medical Center community. Organized by the Office of Health Sciences Education through the Educator Development Program and the Office for Continuous Professional Development the goal of HPERD is to provide an opportunity for all members of the education community to display their progress and success in health professions education innovation.

Educator Development Program (EDP) facilitators, peer reviewers, and consultants presented with certificates
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The keynote session began with Dr. Charlene Dewey, Assistant Dean for Educator Development, honoring EDP workshop facilitators, peer reviewers, and consultants who serve as faculty educators and trainers through the Educator Development Program.15 faculty received recognition for their commitment and service to medical education and faculty development. Dr. Gotterer announced the blue ribbon winner in the poster presentations, which was awarded to Tamala Bradham.
View the Media Site recording of the awards presentation here.

 Keynote address given by Kim Lomis, MD                                                                                                                                                                   
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This year the keynote address "Innovations in Assessment: Vanderbilt's Role in the International Conversation" was facilitated by Kim Lomis, MD, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education.

View the Media Site recording of the keynote here.


Breakout sessions following keynote address

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Session 1: Competency-Based Assessments (CBA) 101: Participants engaged in activities that promoted their understanding of CBA and how to begin the process of implementing CBA using milestones/competencies and entrustable professional activities (EPA). Sandi Moutsios, MD, led assessment breakout session #1.

View the Media Site recording here.

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Session 2: Competency-Based Assessments - Implementing and Determining Outcomes:  This session was geared toward more advanced users of CBA and participants identified current and best practices, highlighted successful program implementations and discussed ways of overcoming challenges.
Bill Cutrer, MD, MEd and Geoffrey Fleming, MD, led assessment breakout session #2.

View the Media Site recording here.


Gerald S. Gotterer, MD, PhD, presents blue ribbon to Tamala Bradham and her team's project
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Winner! Creating a Sustainable, Meaningful Quality Improvement & Patient Safety Curriculum for Medical Students  - Tamala Bradham, DHA, PhD; Kelly C. Sponsler, MD, SFHM; Scott Watkins, MD; Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH

The afternoon poster session in Light Hall North Lobby displayed work from 19 projects representing a range of topics from curriculum design to learner assessment in both the School of Medicine and School of Nursing. The Academy for Excellence in Education provided feedback on all abstracts and provided expert judging for the scientific submissions.    

Poster Categories, Titles and Authors:

Educational Leadership and Administration

1. Junior Faculty Teaching Fellowship: A New Model to Transform Nursing Education  -  Courtney Cook, DNP, ACNP-BC; Melissa Glassford, DNP, FNP; Karen Hande, DNP, ANP-BC; Abby Parrish, DNP, AGPCNP-BC; Anna Richmond, DNP, PNP-BC; Cynthia Brame, PhD; Betsy Kennedy, PhD, RN

Enduring Educational Materials (Educational tools. aids, tecnology, etc.)

2.  Development of a Health Sciences Education Research Program - Rachel Koch, BS; Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH

3. The Creation of a Residency Program-specific “podcast” to Improve the Educational Experience of Internal Medicine Residents - David L. Leverenz; Edward T. Qian, MD; Mona Mashayekhi, MD; Zachary T. Yoneda, MD; Hannah P. Kim, MD; John A. McPherson, MD; Susan F. Kroop, MD

4. MedTalks: A Video Database to Increase Medical Student Knowledge About Institutional Research - Brian Bingham, BS; Eszter Szentirmali, BA; Ali Foxx, BS; Raunak Pillai; Anderson Spickard III, MD, MS

Educational Research (Qualitative. Qualitative, Mixed)

5. Pairing Next Step Students With HEAL Coaches:  A Collaboration With Win-Win Outcomes  - Dianne Killebrew, MEd, RDN, LDN; T.L. Day, MEd

6. The Impact of an Innovative Health Systems Sciences Curriculum on First-Year Medical Student Professional Identity Formation and the Systems of Care  - Heather Ridinger, MD;  Jennifer Green, MD, MPH; Cecelia Theobold, MD, MPH; Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH; Ilene Harris, PhD

Curriculum (Design and Implementation or Evaluation Research)

7. Creating a Sustainable, Meaningful Quality Improvement & Patient Safety Curriculum for Medical Students  - Tamala Bradham, DHA, PhD; Kelly C. Sponsler, MD, SFHM; Scott Watkins, MD; Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH

8. An Innovative Approach to Interprofessional Quality Improvement Education -  Rohini Chakravarthy; Rebecca Palmer; Alec Petersen; Akshat Gadgil; Saad Rehman; Monisha Bhatia; Kristen Smith; Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH

9. A Needs Assessment to Revitalize the Pediatric Clerkship at Vanderbilt - Travis Crook, MD; Charlene Dewey, MD, MEd, FACP

10. Integrating Foundational Sciences in a Meaningful Clinical Context in the Post-Clerkship Curriculum - K.B. Dahlman, PhD; M.B. Weinger, MD;  K.D. Lomis, MD; L. Nanney, PhD; N. Osheroff, PhD; D.E. Moore, Jr., PhD; L. Estrada, PhD; W.B. Cutrer, MD, MEd

11. C2.0 Immersion Phase: An individualized Post Clerkship Phase That Uses Clinical Context to Build Upon Prior Learning -  Lourdes Estrada, PhD; Kimberly Lomis, MD; Brenna Hansen; Logan Key, MEd.; Bonnie Miller, MD; William B. Cutrer, MD, MEd

12. VUSM Competencies, Course Expectations, and the OB Acting Intern Elective:  A Needs Analysis  - Etoi A. Garrison MD, PhD; Charles Rush, MD; Jada Fambrough, BA; Leilani Mason, CNM; Charlene Dewey, MD, MEd, FACP

13. Can the AI Elective for 4th year students Teach and Assess APGO/CREOG Obstetric Competencies? - Etoi A. Garrison, MD, PhD; Charles Rush, MD; Jada Fambrough, BA; Leilani Mason, CNM; Melinda New, MD; Charlene Dewey, MD, MEd, FACP

14. Long-Term Impact of an Enhanced Rheumatology Curriculum for Internal Medicine Residents  -  Susan F. Kroop, MD; Cecilia P. Chung, MD, MPH; Mario Davidson, PhD; Laura Skaug, MFA; D. Alan Johnstone, BSIT; Charlene M. Dewey, MD, MEd, FACP

15. Use of Technology in Teaching in a Residency Program: A Needs Assessment  -  Jennifer L. Lindsey, MD; Laura Wayman, MD; Paul Sternberg, MD; Charlene Dewey, MD, MEd, FACP

16. Piloting a Curriculum for Pediatric Residents on Motivational Interviewing in Obesity Counseling  - Tamasyn Nelson, DO: Marina Zaky, MS4

17. The Vanderbilt Learning Environment Report Card: Developing a Collaborative Institutional Improvement Framework  - Regina Russell, MEd, MA; Learning Environment Assessment & Feedback (LEAF) Committee; Mavis Schorn, CNM, PhD, FACNM; Bonnie Miller, MD

18. Evaluating Supplemental Online Instruction: A Module For Identifying Early Communication Acts  - Laurel Teller, MA; Jena McDaniel, MS; Melanie Schuele, PhD

19.  Development of a Competency-Based Geriatric Curriculum for Internal Medicine Residents   - Maria C. Duggan, MD, MPH, Shannon Skinner, MD, John McPherson, MD, Laura L. Dugan, MD, Charlene Dewey, MD, MEd

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