Learning Environment Assessment and Feedback

The Vanderbilt Interprofessional Clinical Learning Environment Report Card is designed to support critical reflection and organizational improvement in key areas. Using data from a variety of surveys that allow national benchmarking, this internal report card focuses on the critical domains of learner development, professionalism, and quality and safety in patient care.

This learning environment framework was developed by a team of students, residents and faculty from Vanderbilt University and the Vanderbilt University Medical Center. The Learning Environment Assessment and Feedback (LEAF) Committee aggregates organizational performance data on a yearly basis. Data is selected from available measurements in human resources, education evaluation (local and national), and from patient feedback.

By defining key domains for effective learning environments and aggregating institutional performance measures across learner populations, the LEAF Committee can identify trends and benchmarks. The ultimate goal is collaboration between learners, educators, leaders and holders of organizational performance data in a way that allows targeting of improvements and recognition of excellence.