Southern Group on Educational Affairs - April 13-16, 2016, Austin, TX:
"Rebooting Medical Education"
Plenary Session: Change Management and Motivation in Curriculum Innovations:
Presentation by: Kimberly D. Lomis, MD, Associate Dean, Associate Professor of Surgery, and Associate Professor of Medical Education and Administration at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. She was charged with the implementation of a major revision of the medical school curriculum, “Curriculum 2.0.” In that capacity, Dr. Lomis guided the efforts of over one hundred faculty members, residents, and students across thirty teams to create a dynamic system of learning that is responsive to the needs of individual learners.
SGEA Steering Committee 2015-2016:
Rebecca Swan, MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Assistant Dean of Graduate Medical Education, GME Regional Section Chair, Director, Pediatric Residency Program, VUSM
SGEA LEAD Program Graduate 2014-2016 Class:
Bill Cutrer, MD, M.Ed, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Critical Care Medicine, College Mentor and Director of Learning Communities, Co-Director Curriculum 2.0 Immersion Phase (3rd and 4th year), VUSM
SGEA 2016 LEAD Faculty:
Bill Cutrer, MD, M.Ed, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Critical Care Medicine, College Mentor and Director of Learning Communities, Co-Director Curriculum 2.0 Immersion Phase (3rd and 4th year), VUSM
Vanderbilt School of Medicine faculty provided oral presentations, workshops and poster sessions:
Oral Presentations:
1. "Effect of Medication Reconciliation Student Curriculum on Skill Acquisition & Patient Care" C.N. Theobald; H. Ridinger, Internal Medicine; J.M. Ehrenfeld, Anesthesiology; M. Hutchinson, Office of Undergraduate Medical Education; J.K. Green, Medicine & Pediatrics, VUSM
2. "Vanderbilt Interprofessional Collaborative Experience (VICE): An Interprofessional Standardized Patient Encounter", H.A. Ridinger, A. Burgner, C.N. Theobald, Internal Medicine, VUMC; A. Richmond, VUSN; J.K. Green, Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, VUMC; J.T. Gelber; B.M. Miller, J.L. Bills, Vanderbilt Center for Experiential Learning and Assessment, VUSM; G. Young, Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy; J.M. Ehrenfeld, Surgery and Anesthesia, VUMC
3. "Evaluation of Voice Feedback Function in a Mobile Application to Provide Realtime 360 Degree Formative Feedback"; E.J. Barone, J. Johnson, S.E. Krentz, T. Ahmed, DBMI- Vanderbilt University, VA -TVHS; A. Fleming, Pediatrics, VUSM
4. "Use of a Standardized Exercise to Assess Medical Student Ability to Ask and Answer Clinical Questions in a Post-Clerkship Clinical Experience" W.B. Cutrer, Pediatrics, L. Estrada, B. Hansen, D. Moore, B. Miller, K. Lomis, VUSM; P. Walker, R. Walden, Biomedical Library, Vanderbilt University
Poster Sessions:
1. "Use of Individualized Post-Clerkship Phase Curricula to Foster Medical Student Growth and Development"; W.B. Cutrer, Pediatrics, L. Estrada, B. Hansen, B. Miller, K. Lomis, VUSM
2. "The Use of “Master Science Teachers” to Help Integrate Foundational Sciences into the Clinical Curriculum"; W.B. Cutrer, Pediatrics,; C. Pettepher, L. Nanney, J. Atkinson, A. Dalley, L. Van Kaer, J. Blackford, M. Weinger, K. Dahlman, L.Estrada, N. Osheroff, VUSM
3. "Developing a 4-Year Research Curriculum to Support the Practice of Evidence-Based Medicine for Undergraduate Medical Students" L. Finck, J.V. Barnett, Office of Medical Student Research, VUSM
4. "Internal Medicine & Pediatrics Residents’ Use of Primary Literature" Presenter: K Denby, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Authors: W.M. Sullivan, E. Iglesia, D. Clark, Internal Medicine & Pediatrics, VUMC, C. Rosas Salazar, Pediatric Allergy, Immunology & Pulmonary Medicine, VUMC
5. "An Innovative Approach to Interprofessional Quality Improvement Education" R. Chakravarthy, A. Peterson, S. Rehman, VUSM, R. Palmer, School of Nursing, Vanderbilt University, A. Gadgil, Owen School of Business, Vanderbilt University
6. "Student Perspectives and Contributions to Implementing a Revised Medical Curriculum"
C.E. Baker, A.M. Yengo-Kahn, K.D. Lomis, VUSM
1. "Aligning Incentives: An Appraisal of Resources Required for Preservation and Innovation of the Education Mission" S. Crow, Univ. of Okla. School of Community Medicine K. Lomis, VUSM, E. Nelson, UT Dell Medical School N. Hayes, Florida State University COM
2. "Navigating Your Academic Career Path: “Look Before You Lead!”" K.A. McNeal-Trice, Pediatrics, University of North Carolina School of Medicine R. Drucker, Pediatrics and Associate Dean for Medical Education, Duke University School of Medicine M.G. Keeley, Pediatrics and Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, University of Virginia School of Medicine A. Fleming, Pediatrics and Associate Dean for Medical Student Affairs, VUSM ;J. Koestler, Pediatrics and Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education, New York Medical College; N. Potisek, Pediatrics, Wake Forest School of Medicine
3. "Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover: Engaging the Quiet Learner" A.E. Fleming, M. Pilla, W. Cutrer, VUSM; H. Burrows, S. Kileny, University of Michigan School of Medicine; M. Keeley, University of Virginia School of Medicine; C. Golden, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
4. "Professional Identity Formation: From Pedagogy to Practice" S. Crow, Univ. of Okla. School of Community Medicine; E. Buck, M. Holden, UTMB; R. Swan, W.B. Cutrer, VUSM
5. "The Core EPAs in Action: Lessons from the Pilot Schools" K. Esposito, Florida International University; K. Lomis, VUSM; M. Uthman, University of Texas Health Science Center