Cathy Pettepher, Kim Lomis, and Neil Osheroff attended the combined Ottawa Conference/ANZAHPE Meeting in Perth, Western Australia (3/20-3/23/2016) where they presented a workshop entitled “From Theory to Practice: Developing an Assessment Strategy for Pre-Clerkship Medical Students that Incorporates Competency Domains.”
In addition, Cathy and Neil presented a poster/discussion entitled "The Use of “Master Science Teachers” to Help Integrate Foundational Sciences into the Clinical Curriculum” (N. Osheroff, C. Pettepher, L. Nanney, L. Van Kaer, A. Dalley, J. Atkinson, J. Blackford, K. Dahlman, M. Weinger, L. Estrada, and W. Cutrer), and Kim Lomis presented a talk entitled “Operationalizing Improvement: a Competency-Driven Promotions Process.”