Educator Community News

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Don Moore, PhD, interviewed at national meeting of educators

On January 18, 2014, Don Moore, PhD, professor of medical education and administration, director, office for continuous professional development, and director, UME curriculum evaluation, was interviewed as part of the Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions (ACEHP) inaugural Exemplar Interview at the Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida.  The ACEHP is the largest professional organization for individuals involved in the CEHP enterprise.

Educator Development Core (EDC) Takes Shape in 2014

The new Educator Development Core (or EDC) was developed in the summer of 2013 within the Office of Health Science Education under the leadership of Bonnie Miller, MD, Senior Associate Dean for Health Sciences Education/Associate Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs. The EDC team consists of Bonnie Miller, MD; Charlene M. Dewey, MD, MEd, FACP; Lillian Nanny, PhD; Rebecca Swan, MD; Leora Horn, MD, MSc, FRCPC; and Mary Ann Nichols, the team’s administrator and EDP program coordinator.

New VUSM Web Pages Provide Additional Curriculum 2.0, OHSE Information

In July several additions to the VUSM website were launched under the Office of Undergraduate Medical Education (OUME) and the Office of Health Sciences Education (OHSE). These changes were made following the closing of the Office of Teaching and Learning in Medicine and the distribution of its services under OUME and OHSE.

Announcing Important VUSM Organizational Changes

Multiple educational innovations in UME, GME and CME have prompted VUSM to review how to most effectively support the evolving educational mission. The Office for Teaching and Learning in Medicine (OTLM) was established in 2006 to provide educational expertise, curriculum support and educator development programs for the School of Medicine. The faculty and staff of OTLM are an extremely talented and collaborative group of individuals who have made significant contributions toward building a strong educational support infrastructure at VUSM.