Medical Education Research Funding Opportunities

Vanderbilt Faculty Fellowship to Advance Medical Education (FAME)

The Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Faculty Fellowship to Advance Medical Education supports selected medical educators interested in developing and implementing projects designed to support learning across all phases of medical education, while also improving patient care. The program was made possible by a gift from Dan Crockett, president and CEO of Franklin American Mortgage Co., who made the contribution to honor Anderson Spickard III, M.D., M.S., associate professor of Medicine and assistant dean for Education Design and Technology.

National Board of Medical Examiners Stemmler Fund 

The Stemmler Fund supports research around innovative assessment approaches that enhance the evaluation of those preparing to, or continuing to, practice medicine. Expected outcomes include advances in the theory, knowledge, or practice of assessment at any point along the continuum of medical education, from undergraduate and graduate education and training, through practice. Pilot and more comprehensive projects are of interest. Collaborative investigations either within or among centers are encouraged. See for more details.

SGEA Medical Education Research Grants

The Southern Group on Educational Affairs (SGEA) provides funding to initiate new Medical Education Scholarship, Research and Evaluation (MESRE – formerly RIME) proposals. Funding for up to two years may be requested. The grant award may total up to $5000 for submissions involving one institution and $7500 for submissions involving the collaboration of 2 or more institutions.  The SGEA also seeks to promote collaborative projects across institutions, and sections (UGME, GME, CME, and MESRE). See for more details.

GEA Medical Education Research Grants

The Group on Educational Affairs (GEA) accepts research proposals that foster collaborations among the GEA sections (UGME, GME, CEI and MESRE) and/or regions (CGEA, NEGEA, SGEA and WGEA), as well as schools, professions, and/or departments within an institution. The application process will involve two steps—pre-proposal and full proposal. A limited number of pre-proposals will be invited for full proposal submission. Pre-proposals due February 27, 2017. Pre-proposal decisions anticipated by April 3, 2017. Full proposals due May 5, 201. Full proposal decisions anticipated June 5, 2017 Grant proposals cannot exceed $10,000.  For the 2017 grant cycle, a total of $20,000 is available for award to two or more proposals.


For additional information on grant submission, visit the following websites:

For education initiatives:

For the VUMC useable grant text: (VUNetID required)

For resources on writing grants: