Alliance for CEhp Quality Symposium in Chicago, Illinois, September 29, 2015:
Don Moore served as the moderator of the panel discussion, QIE across UME, GME and CME Opportunities for Collaboration, Waechter DM, Patow C, Regnier K, Moore DE, Jr
Dr. Moore's contributions to the AMEE Conference 2015:
Poster presentation:
1 Lomis K, Moore D, Russell R, Miller B. The Dynamic learning System: Enabling Individualization of student experiences while ensuring standardized core outcomes through a systems approach. Poster 7FF13, September 8, 2015.
2. Balmer JT, Chappell K, Moore DE Jr., Sherman L. Faculty Interprofessional Education: Creating Alignment across the Learning and Clinical Environments, Symposium 7C, , September 8, 2015.
1. Moore DE, Jr., Short Communications: Continuing Professional Development, September 7, 2015.
1. Moore DE, Jr., Chappell K, Balmer JT, Cutrer WB. The Emerging Concept of the “Master Adaptive Learner” in Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE), Workshop, Global Alliance for Medical Education, Glasgow UK, September 6, 2015.
2. Moore DE,Jr., Balmer JT, Kostic M, Cutrer WB. Achieving Higher Level Outcomes Using the Emerging Concept of the “Master Adaptive Learner, Pre-Conference Workshop 13, , September 5, 2015.
Group Facilitator:
1. Moore DE, Jr. The Learning Sciences: Where they came from and what it means for instructional design, Learning Sciences Special Interest Group, Global Alliance for Medical Education Annual Meeting, Glasgow UK, September 6, 2015.