2015 HPERD (The Gerald S. Gotterer Health Professions Education Research Day)

The 2015 Gerald S. Gotterer Health Professions Education Research Day was held on October 13, 2015. Since 2009, this event has been held each year to highlight education research in the health professions ongoing in the Vanderbilt University Medical Center community. Organized by the Office of Health Sciences Education through the Educator Development Core with the goal to give an opportunity for all members of the education community to display their progress and success in health professions education innovation.
This year the keynote speaker session highlighted the work of four scholars from the Educator Scholars Track in the Educator Development Program. This program launched by Charlene Dewey, MD, MEd, FACP, Assistant Dean for Faculty Development, in 2013 was designed to mentor the professional development of educational scholars. Dr. Susan Kroop, Dr. Julie Damp, Dr. Lindy Fenlason, and Dr. Meg Benningfield all presented their work with Dr. Gotterer in attendance to give feedback and encouragement.

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Educator Scholars Presentations:

-"Ambulatory Rheumatology Curriculum: Effect of Multimodal Simulation Curriculum Enhancement" - Susan F. Kroop, MD; Cecilia P. Chung, MD, MPH; Mario Davidson, PhD; Laura Skaug, MFA; D. Alan Johnstone, BSIT; and Charlene M. Dewey, MD, MEd , FACP

-"Cardiology Faculty Development: On Being an Effective Clinical Teacher" - Julie Damp, MD; Charlene M. Dewey, MD, MEd, FACP; and Lisa Mendes, MD

-"Rising Prevalence; Rising Need: The design of an innovative curriculum to prepare medical students to address obesity in their anticipated realm of practice" - Lindy Fenlason MD, MPH, PNS; John B. Cleek, MD; Mario Davidson, PhD; and Charlene M. Dewey MD, MEd, FACP 

-"Getting Hooked: A Medical Student Elective Designed to Integrate Foundational Science with Clinical Experience in Addiction" - Margaret M. Benningfield, MD, MSCI; and Charlene M. Dewey, MD, MEd, FACP 

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Poster Session

The poster session displayed work from an additional 13 projects representing a breadth of topics from curriculum design to learner assessment in both the School of Medicine and School of Nursing. The Academy for Excellence in Teaching provided feedback on all abstracts and provided expert judging for the scientific submissions. The blue ribbon award was presented to Hannah S. Krimm, MS CCC-SLP,, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences for her work entitled "Effect of an Online Learning Module for Transcription and Phonological Awareness".

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Poster Categories and Presentations

Curriculum (design and implementation or evaluation research)

1. "Student perspectives on implementing medical curriculum change" -Courtney Baker, BS; Aaron Yengo Kahn; and Kim Lomis, MD

2. "Entrepreneurship Training for Biomedical Trainees" - Robert Carnahan, PhD; Kim Petrie, PhD; Abigail Brown, PhD; John Bers, PhD, MBA, EdD; and Kathleen Gould, PhD

3. "Proper Prescribing for Advanced Nurse Practitioners: A Pilot Course"  -Charlene M. Dewey, MD, MEd, FACP; William Swiggart, MS; Marine Ghulyan, MA; Ginger Manley, MSN, APRN, PMH-CNS, BC; Caroline Post Cone, MSN, APRN, PMH-CNS, BC; Alex Scarbrough Fisher, JD; Elizabeth Morse, DNP, FNP-BC, MPH; and Chance Allen, MSN, APN, LMSW, PMHNP-BC

4. "The EDP Educator Scholars Program: Jump-Starting Careers, Scholarly Work, and Scholarship" –  Charlene Dewey, MD, MEd, FACP; Leora Horn, MD, MSc; Julie Damp, MD; Lindy Fenlason, MD, MPH; Meg Benningfield, MD, MSCI; Mary Ann Nichols: and Bonnie Miller, MD

5. "Effect of an Online Learning Module for Transcription and Phonological Awareness" - Hannah Krimm, MS, CCC-SLP; C. Melanie Schuele, PhD

6. "Creating Mutual Community and Educational Benefit in Interprofessional Programs" - Ali Alcott, RN ; Chante Stubbs, MPH, CPH; Traci Patton, MA; Leah Alexander, PhD; Beth Hallmark; PhD, MSN; Rebecca Moore, PhD, LMSW; Mavis Schorn, CNM, PhD, FACNM; Consuelo Wilkins, MD, MSCI  

7. "Caring for the whole patient: Collaborative Simulation Education for Nursing and Divinity students" - Lucinda Steen Stewart, MSN, RN; Sally Miller, MS, RN, PhD Candidate; Trudy Hawkins Stringer, MDIV; Jessica VanRegenmorter, BS; and Elizabeth Alexander, MSN, RN

Educational Research (quantitative, qualitative, mixed)

8.  "Improving the Communication Skills of Nephrology Fellows by Utilizing MBTI training" - Anna Burgner, MD, MEd

9. "Mindfulness Centered Stress Reduction for Nursing Students:  A Pilot Study" - Carrie Plummer, PhD, ANP-BC; Karen Hande, DNP, ANP-BC; Eydie Cloyd, JD, MSN, PMHNP-BC; Leena Choi, PhD; and Cole Beck

Enduring Educational Materials (educational tools, aids, technology, etc.)

10. "Increasing Medical Student Engagement  with Real Time 360-Degree Feedback using a Mobile Application" - Eleanor Barone, MD; Jay Johnson; Cindy Franco, MEd; Sarah Krentz; Amy Fleming, MD; and Toufeeq Ahmed, PhD

Learner Assessment

11. "Central Venous Line Placement Assessment Tool Validation in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine" - Geoffrey Fleming, MD

12. "Effect of Medication Reconciliation Curriculum on Skill Acquisition and Clinical Patient Care" - Cecelia Theobald, MD, MPH; Heather A. Ridinger, MD; Jennifer K. Green, MD, MPH; Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH; and Martha Hutchinson

13.  "Innovative Visualization of Multiple CUSUM Graphs for Competency Based Assessment" - Conrad Myler, MD

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