Charlene M. Dewey, M.D., M.Ed., F.A.C.P., has been named Director of the Educator Development Core (EDC) for the Office of Health Sciences Education. In this role she will oversee the development and implementation of programs that enhance the skills of all faculty members who teach in VUSM’s UME, GME and CME programs. In addition, she will oversee the development of programs aimed at mentoring faculty members who hope to make education a large part of their academic careers. Dr. Dewey has been Director of the highly successful Educator Development Program (EDP), a series of workshops and other services designed to promote excellence in teaching. While many of the workshops will continue, she will work with other faculty members in the EDC to expand offerings, in order to meet the changing needs of our academic departments. Other members of the EDC include Lillian Nanney, PhD, who will continue to coordinate educator development efforts related to Curriculum 2.0; Rebecca Swan, MD, who will focus on the needs of GME; and Leora Horne, MD, who will work with Dr. Dewey on general programming.
Current Educator Development programming includes the EDP workshops, the Medical Education Journal Club, and Medical Education Grand Rounds, among other offerings. For more information on Educator Development at VUSM, visit the Educator Development webpage.