VPIL (Vanderbilt Program in Interprofessional Learning) Immersion week, July 7-12, 2013, brought together VPIL's newest group of first-year medical, advanced practice nursing, pharmacy and social work students from Belmont College of Pharmacy, Lipscomb College of Pharmacy, Mid Tennessee Collaborative Master of Social Work Program at Tennessee State University and Vanderbilt University Schools of Medicine and Nursing. This year's cohort of 32 students will work in teams of four at eight clinic sites and meet monthly as a group for a variety of classroom-based activities.
Each day of the VPIL Immersion featured an overall theme: Interprofessional Education, the Nashville Community, the Four Professions, the Patient Experience and the New Professional. Students spent time learning about each other, the other professions and effective teams, and heard from a variety of practicing professionals and teaching faculty about the many issues surrounding health care in the 21st century. Read more about VPIL online or contact the VPIL program coordinator, Carin McAbee.