Research is one of Vanderbilt University Medical Center's core missions. Perioperative Services supports that mission by participating in research activities and by presenting research/evidence based practice posters and podium presentations at professional conferences. Perioperative Services also supports authors or participates in publishing articles on the work nurses have completed at VUMC in research, evidence based practice, best clinical practices, or case studies. We utilize evidence-based nursing practice in our care, and we support and encourage nurse led research, quality improvement strategies, and participation in professional organizations to advance knowledge and quality of patient care.
VHBM HR/PACU RNs Poster Presentation from the ASPAN National Conference (2024) -
Evidenced Based Practice/Research Information
Submit Your Nursing Projects & Professional Activity
Click below to submit any research/quality improvement project, publication, presentation (poster or podium), or other EBP work you are working on/have completed. You can also submit professional activities (i.e. serving on the Board of Directors, or an award received).
It is very important that you list, “Perioperative Services” as the department that you work in, so that we can track participation.
Please submit your project!
Poster Presentations
Quiet Please! High Noise Levels Pose Health, Safety Risks in the OR
Robotic-assisted adrenalectomy using da Vinci Xi vs. Si: are there differences?
Using Aromatherapy in the Clinical Setting
Robotic Resection of an 8mm Nonexophitic Pancreatic Insulinoma
A Cost-Conscious Approach to Robotic Adrenalectomy
Bilateral Robotic Transabdominal Adrenalectomy in a Patient with Intestinal Malrotation
Perioperative Patient Care Involved with Robotic-Aassisted Bariatric Surgery
Robotic Bilateral Transabdominal Adrenalectomy in Obese Patients
Ventricular Assist Device Implantation: Perioperative Nursing Considerations
Robotic - Assisted Simultaneous Repair of Bilateral Ingurnal Hernia