Cytopathology Fellowship

Director: Kim Ely, M.D.


The Cytopathology Fellowship provides sub-specialty training in Cytopathology in preparation for certification in specialty qualification in Cytopathology by the American Board of Pathology. Fellows will be trained in gynecologic cytology a non-gynecologic cytology including fine needle aspiraton (FNA) cytology with acquisition of diagnostic competence and technical skill. Training in effective communication with patients and clinicians is emphasized as well as training in cytopathology laboratory management including QA/QC training and improvement, with the ultimate goal of optimizing patient care. Vanderbilt University receives 20,000 pap smears, 9,000 --non-gyn specimens, 3,000 Fine needle aspiration biopsies annually. The fellow has one month of elective time during the fellowship and may elect to do research or to spend time on a surgical pathology sub- specialty rotation such as Gastrointestinal, Breast, GYN or Genitourinary.



Goals and Objectives of the Program


Completion of an ACGME accredited Pathology Residency training program.

Types and Numbers of Appointments

One fellowship position per year will be available.


Vanderbilt University School of Medicine ranks 13th among the nation’s elite programs, according to U.S. News and World Report's annual ranking of top medical schools for research, released in the 2022 edition of America's Best Graduate Schools, and ranks #13 in the nation among U.S. medical schools in total grant support provided through the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Vanderbilt University School of Medicine was ranked the #1 hospital in Tennessee, and the #1 healthcare provider in Nashville. Nine adult and ten pediatric clinical specialties were ranked among the nation’s best. VUMC is ranked among the 100 “Most Wired” medical systems, for its efforts in medical technology, by the American Hospital Association. Becker’s Hospital Review ranked it one of the “100 Great Hospitals in America” and Newsweek’s ranked it one of the “100 Best Hospitals in the World. Through its programs in Graduate Medical Education, VUMC is home to more than 1,000 physicians in training in over 100 residency and fellowship programs.


Vanderbilt Medical Center is part of the 330-acre Vanderbilt University campus in a sophisticated, diverse residential community about 1.5 miles from downtown Nashville, with numerous shops and restaurants within easy walking distance. Nashville, the capital of Tennessee, is the site of numerous colleges and universities, two medical schools, and several large teaching hospitals. The city has an extensive parks system, a symphony orchestra, opera, ballet, performing arts center, zoo, several museums, The Country Music Hall of Fame and the Grand Ole Opry. The city offers a wide variety of cultural, educational, and recreational opportunities, including a professional football team and hockey team. The Nashville Metropolitan area is home to about 1.5 million inhabitants.


Unexpected Opening for fellowships starting July 1, 2026. We are currently accepting applications.

For fellowships starting July 1, 2027, we are currently accepting applications.

Interested applicants should submit a cover letter, application*, CV, personal statement, three letters of recommendation and ECFMG certificate (if applicable) to:

Tapherine DeVany
Department of Pathology, Microbiology & Immunology
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
CC-3322 MCN
1161 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37232


*Application and pertinent information can be found under Graduate Medical Education