Harrison Dai, M.D.

Resident, Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology

Hometown: Vancouver, BC
Undergraduate: Baylor University 
Medical School: Eastern Virginia Medical School 
Sub-Specialty Interest: Hematopathology, GI Pathology, Cytopathology, Dermatopathology

Why did you choose VUMC Pathology: I often find that we more or less become our mentors and teachers, particularly in pathology. There are many excellent pathology training programs out there, however, all my mentors in medical school told me that I’d be insane not to consider Vanderbilt for training. As with many of my co-residents, Vanderbilt Pathology has considerable things to offer: breadth of cases, progressive resident responsibilities, more than adequate resources, genuinely supportive faculty and trainees, etc. What especially intrigued me about Vanderbilt Pathology was its potential for growth. It is not often that one hears about high-power academic institutions having the resources and real-estate to expand (more often hears about ever-increasing needs to expand but not having enough space to do so). With growth comes opportunity, both tangible and intangible. The new off-site laboratory, not too far from campus, is nothing short of amazing and everything thing here is essentially brand new. Moreover, having new facilities means more diverse case volume and various faculty that are going to be involved with trainees.

Fun fact about yourself: I am an avid anime fan, abstract painter, home-cook, and philosophy nerd (Franz Kafka’s work is my latest obsession).