5 Best Practices for Working Remotely

Though some of our Vanderbilt Health colleagues are back in their offices, many members of the Population Health team continue to practice social distancing by working from home. To support these employees, VUMC’s HealthPlus team has assembled best practices for staying productive while remote.

Here are five ways to make your alternate work arrangement as efficient and comfortable as possible.

1. Keep up your morning routine. Continuing your customary schedule sets you up for a more productive day. Wake up well before your start time so you can set aside time for a nutritious breakfast and maybe even a quick walk or workout. Then take a shower and get dressed before settling into your workspace. A professional appearance will help you look better on camera and feel more proficient and prepared as you work.

2. Set up a separate workspace away from your main living space. Dedicating space in your home that’s solely for work helps you minimize interruptions and stay on task. When using videoconferencing technology, position your computer’s camera to shoot straight-on so you can look eye-to-eye to others. Design a neutral, not-too-cluttered backdrop behind you. Avoid sitting in front of a bright window so you don’t appear in shadow while on these calls.

3. Write down daily accomplishments and to-do lists. When you work from home, you can’t depend on colleagues dropping by your office to remind you of deadlines, so create a daily to-do list to keep you on track. Then keep a record of what you did each day, either to report to your supervisor or enjoy the satisfaction of all you’ve accomplished.

4. Schedule breaks for exercise. Give your body and mind a chance to move several times throughout the day. You’ll often find these breaks useful for keeping your creative juices flowing and seeing challenges in fresh new ways.

5. Follow set office hours and enforce boundaries. Try to work the same hours you would at the office. Whether you’re given hours to follow or you set them yourself, a regular schedule allows you to both begin and end your workday in a timely fashion and stay focused. And don’t forget to set boundaries between work time and family time so neither is a drain on the other.

Looking for more ways to stay healthy and productive while working remotely? Download the HealthPlus guide here.