Efficiency Boost: Enhanced VHAN Quality Measures Reports Rolled Out

Beginning in April 2020, practices received enhanced VHAN quality measure reports to better equip them for success.

Previously, practices received separate reports for every contract they participate in with VHAN. Now, they receive one file that includes quality measures and attribution for all payers. These combined reports make practice outreach to patients more efficient and significantly decrease the time needed for VHAN staff to generate reports.

Additionally, enhanced reports include patient care opportunities and attribution, as well as the ability to filter and categorize by measure, payer and patient, allowing practices the chance to view all relevant information in one file. Measures are grouped together in categories, including screenings, diabetes measures and educational opportunities. Another added feature is a “Helpful Tips” tab with report details, FAQs, Excel tips and resource links.

Development of these new reports came together through incredible work of a cross-functional team, including Brittney Kimbro, Ravi Damuluri, Rachael Peters, Spencer Essenpreis and Brandy Steele, as well as additional support from team members within IT, Analytics and Clinical Operations. The team collaborated with VHAN communications team members to create supplemental resources and an automated way of delivering reports to capture engagement. These resources include quality measures by payer documents, attribution and attestation cheat sheets, a Quality Measures intervention tracker, and a training video that walks members through the new reports and explains how to best identify patient care opportunities. All resources can be found on the VHAN Hub.