VHAN Behavioral Health Focuses on Adolescent Wellness

Over the past few months, the VHAN Behavioral Health team has created a variety of resources aimed at supporting members' efforts towed adolescent wellness. The team produced a webinar on how to conduct a successful adolescent wellness interview and a podcastgeared toward improving adolescent wellness visit (AWV) engagements. They’ve also created sharable one-pagers and social media posts on the importance of an AWV, and a new annual training and quick reference guide on pediatric asthma. The team also created a webinar focused on adolescent gender identity and its behavioral health implications.

VHAN is planning to offer more behavioral health-focused webinars, podcasts and guides to the community through Well Moment, a dedicated space where patients and families can learn from and talk directly to health experts about pressing health and wellness issues. Visit wellmoment.org to learn more.