Walk Your Way to a Healthier Life

Celebrate National Walking Day on April 6 by starting or renewing a commitment to getting in your daily steps. The simple act of walking can do wonders for your physical and mental health. Here are just a a few of the benefits of walking, taken from an article in HealthPlus Connections by Mary Pullias Henderson, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, Nurse Practitioner in the VUMC Occupational Health Clinic:

  • Walking can be a great way to lose weight and tone up, but the benefits extend well beyond the aesthetics.
  • Walking can lower the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes
  • Walking improves mood, cognition, sleep and has even been show to slow dementia when done consistently.
  • In a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, participants who walked for 20 minutes per day for 5 days per week took 43% fewer sick days and had a shorter duration and milder symptoms when they first become ill.

When you're ready to start, follow these tips:

  1. Find comfortable shoes with good arch support and flexible soles.
  2. Locate a safe place to walk with good lighting and sidewalks. If walking outside is difficult due to weather or safety, search for mall nearby or local parks with walking trails.
  3. Start slowly and walk at a pace and distance that is comfortable for you. You can gradually increase your pace and distance as you build your strength and endurance.
  4. Ask a friend to go with you. Use a walk to interact with nature. Listen to music if you can safely do so.

Get a head start on National Walking Day with HealthPlusActive in April Step Challenge, which starts April 1. It’s a great opportunity to compete with colleagues, record your steps and potentially win great prizes. Plus, those who meet the Step Challenge goal will earn progress in Go for the Gold! For more information, visit bit.ly/healthplusstep and sign up today.