"Understanding Delusions Through the Predictive Coding Framework"
VUMC Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
The activity is designed to help the learner
• Describe how the predictive coding framework considers belief formation
• Identify data that tests predictive coding models of delusions transdiagnostically
• Assess how predictive coding can help progress delusion research towards treatment advancement
About the Speaker:
Julia Sheffield, PhD
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
CME/CE credit for Psychiatry Grand Rounds is only available during the live feed time and for a brief time immediately following. The code for this week's session is displayed at the opening and closing of the meeting and also in the Chair's Office Zoom Account Name during the meeting.
For CME/CE information about this session, please visit:
This talk is sponsored by the
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
This educational activity received no commercial support.