"Challenges to managing difficult patients as a team: Contributions of unconscious biases"
About the Speakers:
Melissa Hall, MD
Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Medical Director of Hospital Services
Jason Greenhagen, DO
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Laura Jarosemich MSN, RN
Manager Patient Care Services
Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital
Amita K. Bey, EdD, MPH
Associate Director, Office of Inclusion and Health Equity
Thought Exercise to Prepare for Grand Rounds:
In preparation for this session, we ask you take a moment to reflect upon the following scenario and questions:
You are caring for an inpatient adult at VPH who exhibits significant anger and hostility. He is persistently voicing racist thoughts and slurs to faculty, trainees, and staff on the unit.
• How does this affect you?
• How do you perceive it affects the team members you work with?
• How can you support your broader team?
The activity is designed to help the learner:
1. Discuss the broad effect of difficult to manage patient behavior on the clinical team.
2. Describe how individual experiences and implicit biases may influence our perception and responses to challenging patients.
CME/CE credit for Psychiatry Grand Rounds is only available during the live feed time and for a brief time immediately following. The code for this week's session is displayed at the opening and closing of the meeting
For CME/CE information about this session, please visit:
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This talk is sponsored by the
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
This educational activity received no commercial support.