Blackford, Winder labs collaborate on paper in Addiction Biology journal

M.D./Ph.D. student Elizabeth Flook spearheaded a paper published in the journal Addiction Biology. The review paper, titled "Anxiety during abstinence from alcohol: A systematic review of rodent and human evidence for the anterior insula's role in the abstinence network," was a joint collaboration between Jennifer Blackford and Danny Winder's research labs describing the role of the anterior insula in abstinence. 

Read the abstract here:


Flook EA, Luchsinger JR, Silveri MM, Winder DG, Benningfield MM, Blackford JU. Anxiety during abstinence from alcohol: A systematic review of rodent and human evidence for the anterior insula's role in the abstinence network. Addict Biol. 2020;e12861. doi:10.1111/adb.12861