"Best Practices in Transgender Mental Health: Addressing Complex Issues for Gender Dysphoric and Gender Diverse Youth"
About the Speaker:
Aron Janssen, MD
Vice Chair, Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health
Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
Transgender issues have never before received such mainstream attention. With the increased visibility has come a significant increase in scrutiny of the care for these youth, often with unanticipated negative consequences. In this talk, we will review the current state of knowledge in assessment and care of gender diverse youth, the recent demographic changes in pediatrics practices, and controversies in care.
The activity is designed to help the learner:
1. Participants will be able to describe the developmental processes of gender identity development among transgender and gender diverse youth
2. Understand the unique psychiatric needs of gender diverse youth
3. Describe the current standards of care for the assessment and treatment of gender diverse youth
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Sponsored by the Barbara Gay Lecture Fund
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
This educational activity received no commercial support.