Where To Go
- Park in the shuttle lot (Lot #127) at 625 Chestnut Street, Nashville, TN. There is a chain link fence around the parking lot.
- Take the shuttle bus to the first stop on Medical Center Drive. Shuttles run every 15-20 minutes
- Exit the bus and take a left to enter the main hospital lobby.
- Take the stairs up to the second floor, pass the gift shop on your left, and walk across the skybridge.
- Once across the skybridge, locate the pharmacy. You will see a sign that says Medical Center East South Tower elevators. Take the elevators to the 3rd floor and go to the waiting area behind the wall with mounted football helmets. Call 615-343-6354 and a staff member will meet you there.
What To Wear
- You may wear any color scrub you chose, but no prints. Edging or piping of a different color is fine.
- You may also wear scrub bottoms with a solid color shirt or VUMC/school rehab shirt logo. No other logos are allowed.
- If you chose to wear street clothes, wear khaki pants and a shirt with the VUMC logo or your school rehab shirt. No other logos are allowed.
- Comfortable, closed-toe shoes should be worn. Neat tennis shoes are acceptable.
- A white lab coat is only required if you are not wearing scrubs.
- Piercings should be ears only.
- Tattoos should be covered.
- No artificial nails or long nails.
What To Bring
- Please bring the clinical education material from your school.
- A staff Breakroom with refrigerators and microwaves is available if you want to bring your lunch. There are also local cafeterias, deli cafes, and restaurants if you opt to bring money to dine out.
- There is a storage space available in the acute rehab office for backpacks, water bottles, etc.
- Please bring a gait belt if you would like to use one during your clinical rotation. (Not required)
- You should bring wired headphones/earbuds compatible with a PC to complete computer training.
Finally, you will need to register your car to park in VUMC lots. Please bring your car registration, driver's license, and cash or check (if you opt to park on campus). You have the option to continue parking at Greer Stadium for free.
What To Expect
On your first day:
You will first need to obtain your badge from the Vanderbilt Badge Office at 2525 West End Avenue, located on the 2nd floor. You can reach the second floor if you enter through the Vanderbilt Bookstore. The phone number for the badge office is 615-936-3350. Please arrive at the badge office no later than 10:30 a.m.
Arrive at the Medical Center East, 3rd-floor waiting area at 12:00 p.m. (Following instructions listed in the "Where to Go" section above).
One (or both) of the student coordinators will meet you in the waiting area for lunch and to discuss department policies, answer questions, etc.
You will then meet with your clinical instructor and go over any specifics needed. You are free to leave after the meeting with your clinical instructor.
On Your Second Day:
Primarily focused on orientation to our electronic health record system—Epic. To that end, we have 2 stages of Epic Training:
Hospital-wide Epic (eStar) training, "eStar Live: Inpatient- Rehab Therapies,"
Tuesday morning at 745 am.
Takes place at 2525 West End Ave, Suite 212
Virtual, but under the guidance of an onsite proctor
More logistical information about this will be provided by your CTL or preceptor on day 1.
Department-specific Epic Training
Tuesday afternoon (or otherwise after completing your end user proficiency assessment, or EUPA, during Stage 1)
Material is self-directed via the following content (PPT and PDF versions):
Includes linked video demos, viewable from your phone or via one of our desktops or laptops
In any case, having an additional window logged into Epic is recommended
Note wired headphones are needed if you plan to use desktop/laptop
One of our Epic superusers will be on-hand to get you started and answer questions prn.
Student Objectives