Our Team

Meet our team! 

We will be happy to work with you in any way we can to assist you with your injured worker.


Faith Parrish, RN, CCM, Director, faith.parrish@vumc.org

Fran Sweatt, Manager, fran.sweatt@vumc.org

Tammie Mathis, Business Process Manager, tammie.mathis@vumc.org

Tapeka Primm, Lead Workers' Compensation Specialist, tapeka.primm@vumc.org

Judy Caldwell, Senior Workers' Compensation Specialist, judy.caldwell@vumc.org

Cheri Allen, Workers' Compensation Specialist, cheri.d.allen@vumc.org

Monique Davis, Workers' Compensation Specialist, monique.m.davis@vumc.org

Andrea Herring, Workers' Compensation Specialist, andrea.t.herring@vumc.org

Janean Horton, Workers' Compensation Specialist, janean.d.horton@vumc.org

Cheryl Hayes, Workers' Compensation Specialist, cheryl.hayes@vumc.org



Vanderbilt Wilson County Hospital 615-804-3843

Jim Mills, Director, Hospital Administration for Bedford, Coffee and Wilson counties, james.e.mills@vumc.org

