Toni Lewis, MS

PhD Candidate
FIGOR Scholar, Genetic Counseling
Velez Edwards & Edwards Lab

MS, Human Genetics with specialization in Genetic Counseling, Howard University, 2014

Toni Lewis (she/her) is a FIGOR Scholar and Associate Data Scientist from Nashville, TN. Before obtaining her degree, she worked as a Program Coordinator for multiple grants funded through the Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance and the American Cancer Society. Since then, she has worked in various genetic testing laboratories as a Report Writer, Laboratory and Clinical Genomics Genetic Counselor (variant curation, report writing, etc.), and managing a team of Clinical Science Liaisons. In 2024, Toni joined VUMC as one of the FIGOR scholars focused on integrating research into her genetic counseling career and as a member of the eMERGE (VGER) study team. Realizing that her passion for research lies at the intersection of patient empowerment through education and understanding of risk, she joined the VEE lab in this quest, where she is focused on looking at contributions of non-classical (mass) symptoms in fibroid risk. Toni also serves on multiple committees for the Master in Genetic Counseling Program at Vanderbilt University and as an Editor At Large for the Journal of Genetic Counseling.

Research Information

Toni’s research focuses on examining the contributions of non-classical (mass) symptoms in overall fibroid risk. Through asking genetic counseling-based questions in this area, she strives to empower both clinicians and patients with resources leading to enhanced communications and earlier recognition of fibroids. 

Active Grants:  

1. U01HG01181: Associate Data Scientist (50%), Vanderbilt Genome Electronic Records Project (VGER) 

2. 5R25HG012915-02: Scholar (50%), Fellowship in Genomics Outcomes Research (FIGOR)