Our lab focuses on evaluating the genetic and environment risk factors associated with women's health and reproductive outcomes. We have an ongoing R01 to study the genetic determinants of uterine fibroids risk (R01HD074711, R01HD093671) and an R21 evaluating the role of race and ancestry on risk for keloids (R21AR067938). We also have a repository of biospecimens from participants in the Right from the Start pregnancy cohort to be used for genetic epidemiology studies examining uterine fibroid and the role drug exposures in adverse pregnancy outcomes. Our lab has significant expertise in fibroid epidemiology and genetics and next-generation sequencing (DNA and RNA sequencing). Below we describe some of our ongoing studies.
Velez Edwards Lab
VUMC, Nigeria teaching hospital to study genetic risk of fibroids based on regional African ancestry
NIH grant supports effort to build expertise in genetic epidemiology research in Vietnam
Calculating risk for uterine fibroids
Grant creates center for maternal, pediatric precision therapeutics
Genetic ancestry and hypertension risk
VUMC-led network to focus on polygenic risk for common diseases
Probing the genetics of fibroids
Velez Edwards Named to Women’s Health Research Leadership
Twelve faculty members named as 2018 Chancellor Faculty Fellows