Cinque Soto, Ph.D.
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Dr. Soto received his PhD in molecular biophysics from Columbia University's School of Medicine. After receiving his PhD, Cinque went on to carry out postdoctoral studies at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Medicine where he developed computational methods for in silico modeling and design of helical transmembrane proteins. Following his postdoctoral studies, Cinque took a senior scientist position at SCHRODINGER, a computational software company, where he worked on the development of small-molecule docking methods for in silico drug design. In 2013, Cinque left the software industry to become co-head of the structural bioinformatics core section (SBIS) at NIAID’s Vaccine Research Center (VRC). At the VRC, Cinque focused on analyzing antibody repertoires from next-generation sequencing (NGS). Cinque continues working on the development of bioinformatics methods for analyzing antibody and T cell receptor repertories at the Vanderbilt Vaccine Center.