2News & Events

Poster Abstracts Due October 22nd, 5pm for AD Research Day

Vanderbilt and Meharry faculty, staff, postdoctoral fellows, and students of all levels are invited to submit poster abstracts for Alzheimer's Disease Research Day. The deadline to submit an abstract is Thursday, October 22 at 5:00pm. The best postdoc and best student poster will receive prizes. Select posters will be invited to present in data blitz sessions during the November 13 event. Please note that event registration is required for participation. Link to submit your abstract: https://bit.ly/2020PosterAbstracts

Jefferson Wins Mentor of the Year

Dr. Angela Jefferson, Director of the Vanderbilt Memory and Alzheimer's Center, has won 2020 Neuroscience Graduate Program Mentor of the Year from the Vanderbilt Brain Institute. Congratulations, Dr. Jefferson!

Renã A.S. Robinson Expands Research on Racial Disparities in Alzheimer's

A new $2.5 million grant from the National Institutes of Health is enabling Vanderbilt University chemist Renã A.S. Robinson to expand her research on racial disparities in Alzheimer’s and other diseases. Robinson, an associate professor of chemistry and Dorothy J. Wingfield Phillips Chancellor Faculty Fellow, is the co-principal investigator on the R01 grant, which is designed to develop and test recruiting materials aimed at encouraging older African Americans to participate in Alzheimer’s research.

Exploratory Vanderbilt Alzheimer's Disease Research Center Announced

Vanderbilt Memory and Alzheimer's Center is one of four newly-minted exploratory Alzheimer's Disease Research Centers (ADRC) funded by an NIA P20 grant. The P20 grant awards are designed to allow programs to build capacity as they work towards becoming a full P30-funded ADRC. Vanderbilt Memory and Alzheimer's Center fills an important service gap in the southeastern U.S. and makes key research contributions to the ADRC network.


Vanderbilt Memory and Alzheimer’s Center
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

3319 West End Avenue, 8th Floor 
Nashville, TN 37203


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